I'm not sure where you got some of your ideas, but they're not supported by contract history. Historically, a lot of things factor into compensation. Production impacts are the primary driving factor, but they are far from the only one, and while points are often a 'good enough' proxy, they are far from perfect, and can skew away from actual production impacts. Just as you would take into account per-game metrics to add context to production and prevent skewed conclusions as a result of opportunity discrepancies outside of the player's control, you would similarly take into account per-60 metrics to add context to production and prevent skewed conclusions for the same reasons.
If you want to believe that a contract negotiation just means looking up points/goal and their corresponding cap hit on a chart, then that's your choice, but if you had actually looked through the history of contracts, you would know that's not true. I don't really know how to give you what you want in a way that you would understand and accept, especially when you're making demands like "Show evidence that same age players with equal raw production have 18% contract differences based on primary vs secondary points." Like what? The only reason primary/secondary points were even discussed was because you tried to make an incorrect claim about a value discrepancy between goals and primary assists, in an effort to give bonus points to Rantanen for the role he performed on the PP. The 18% contract gap is based primarily on the significant production gap that existed between them, as I've shown you multiple times.
No, there is no clone of Marner, and quite frankly, direct comparables are few and far between. He is a pretty unique player, that experienced a pretty unique situation, and both his results and contract occupy a range that is historically quite rare. Clearly below the top tier, but clearly above the second tier. That's why we looked at a comparable in the second tier, and compared the gaps that existed. Marner's contract was consistent with Rantanen's, and the wider history of post-ELC contracts.