Hes not, people just pick sides and over analyze. Like most of our team, and the league, he gives people bland token answers. When he strays, its to support the team and group hes actively managing
That’s pretty political bc he is supporting Keefe and also saying he might fire him. Much better than saying Keefe is here to stay and we have faith in him, then contradicted himself by not extending him.
I just think that that comment about Keefe being a future legend was way too far over the top and it backfired, did more harm than good to Keefe as well and himself. Would have been better off to say something more like "Sheldon is doing a good job and I have full confidence in him, and I'm sure our players do as well" and just leave it at that. But saying Keefe's going to be a legend down the line when all he's done to that point is lead the team to playoff failures was just asking for it.
Fans are pissed that they are down 3-0 and he says they don't care about what they are saying. Whoever is coaching this guy on what to say to the media, is doing him a disservice.
Who knows, maybe they don't have anyone coaching him (they should), or maybe he's just un-coachable in that regard.
I was just running some errands and heard this being discussed on Overdrive and IMO Hayes nailed it. What he basically said was that Marner has never been comfortable in front of the microphone and instead of being loose, spontaneous and well spoken he just spouts some cliche. And that's really all that was, "we don't care what the media says, we're just focused on ourselves" (not sure what exact quote was) and there's really nothing wrong with that, it's just a cliche. I'm not the least bit upset about what Marner said, I'm used to the fact that he's possibly the worst NHL player I've ever seen when it comes to handling the media so no matter what the kid ever says, I just don't care and it's all one big nothing burger to me.
Now how he played the other night, that's another story, definitely upset about that. You simply can not be one of the highest paid players in the league, play like garbage in the biggest game of the year and not get shit for it.
I feel kind of bad for him, I really do. I don't think anyone wants to win in this town more than him and when he's on, he's a joy to watch. But sometimes in the playoffs, he just doesn't play like the star he's supposed to be and sometimes like that last game, he's not even close to that level. I don't know if he can't handle the pressure, or if his game's just not suited for the playoffs or there's some other reason but we're not seeing this movie for the first time and it seems like you just can't count on him in the playoffs, simple as that.
Maybe he'll turn it around, maybe they all will and they'll shock the hell our of us all and win the series. Could happen I guess, not over til it's over and FLA isn't some powerhouse so he still has a chance to change the narrative. I'll be shocked if it happens but if he does, I'll be the first to hop on his bandwagon again (being the shallow, what have you done for me lately kind of fan that I am

). Hard to see it happening at this point though, not after that last game. We'll see.