The confirmation bias hindsight nonsense is endless.
Recall please that we all laughed at that proposed deal and found it insulting.
But then Miller had a rough start, Chytil had a good stretch. And the hindsight bias folks come out in droves.
It's double hindsight because there's also this LUNDQVIST WOULD HAVE GOT A 1ST thing because a failing prospect received an shocking return in a trade after the deal. And a) we probably don't trade Lundqvist if we get him and b) there was no way to know a random team overvalued him like that.
That trade offer sucked.
It was a fungible middle-6 mostly-winger in Chytil, a failing prospect in Lundqvist (who finished this year being healthy scratched 28 straight times) and the #30 overall pick in the worst draft in recent memory. There's just nothing of substantial value there and the team was 100% correct to walk away from it, which pretty much everyone agreed with at the time until Chytil had a fluke run and someone else overpaid for Lundqvist.