I am genuinly curious how you came up with 10%
Anecdotal. It's not a number based upon a study. I'm looking at the Cap, the players now, the strength they'll need to have to consistently be in the playoffs, the limited assets and the potential type of players they'll need to attain. It is very unlikely that they spend no assets to move cap AND gain enough pro assets within 2 years to create a sustainable playoff team thereafter.
No one is denying how hard this is. The flip side is how hard is it to find players as good as Petey and Hughes, and even Demko.
Actually, MS talks specifically about Pettersson and Hughes as the impetus to perform a re-tool. Where as what I'm saying is that core players are always a given when considering a re-tool, but to actually decide to go forth should depend more on the likelihood of its success.
The issue the other way is when those picks will be able to help you. Its most likely they take 4 years to contribute, and at that point you are still hoping they turn out like Hronek.
I would not have been against keeping the picks, and while I like the player we got do think we probably paid too much.
I do think it is important to realize if you want this team to move forward (like management does) this is the type of move you have to make.
This is not an equal proposition. We are in a rebuild already. A 2 year re-tool is possible, but extremely unlikely given the landscape here. There are just too many factors that have to go right in order to exit, in 2 years, with a consistent playoff team. And by consistent, I mean 5+ years, given the ages of Pettersson and Hughes. And so, it's like comparing the rule (rebuild) to the exception (re-tool). Why are we arguing for the exception?
Look at the past few cup winning teams, all have retooled.
Pens retooled with JR no less
Caps retooled
Blues retooled
Bolts retooled
Avs retooled
Yes they all drafted a strong few players, then reowrked it until it finally worked.
Can you define how these teams re-tooled and how this is a realistic goal for the Canucks? Just at a glance, Pittsburgh has been in the playoffs for 11 years so...?
Let's isolate Tampa Bay for a moment. They had a 2 year dip out of the playoffs in 2011-12 and 2012-13. In that time, their best FA and Trade acquisitions (because that's the route management is taking here) were as follows:
Ben Bishop
Radko Gudas
Kyle Quincey
Teddy Purcell
Nate Thomspon
If you can find more, please correct me, this is just at a glance.
Now with just judging the quality of that group of players, would you say the Canucks are that far away from a similar 2 year on the fly re-tool? If not, please provide your own example as the template.