I feel like this question implies that I am for trading all the picks away, I am not.
Like I think almost all the rebuilders here assume hey we can get like 20 picks in the next 2 season and we’ll hit on so many of them the we’ll be golden.
Let’s do some f***ing math here. Let’s say to get those picks we trade away Miller, Kuzmenko, Demko and let’s factor Bo in as well. That’s like 2 70+ point guys, 1 60pt guy and 1 starting goaltender. You need to hit on 4 picks just to be even. On top of that you guys are imagining that we are going to get NJ level of depth that we can contender. That’s like ok 2 more top 4 D at the very least and like 2-3 more top6 - middle 6 quality forwards. That’s like nailing 9 picks in 2 years, like not nailing as in oh we got nhl players from the draft , we are talking nailing as in like home run picks. Just for context, Dallas hit on 3 picks in one draft and that was considered one of the best draft any team did in cap era. Like even if you end up drafting that well, almost all prospects don’t hit the NHL in like their D+2 season so your rebuild is still taking longer than 2 seasons.