Boeser’s value is whack because of his 7.5M qualifier. If he took the qualifier and then enter UFA, based on his history and projection at that point, he would’ve gotten a 6.5M contract in the open market. So he probably would’ve gotten like 7M average per year for 2 years at the very least if he just took the qualifier. There is no reason for Boeser to sign anything lower unless you give him more years.
So the management can either sign him to a qualifier which will mess up their cap structure more and at the same time make him less valuable because we will only be able to sell him as a rental.
The other option is to trade him at that point but the 7.5M effectively killed any trade value he had so you would’ve gotten like a low pick + cap dump.
Another option is to let him walk which means we lose all value.
The remaining options are to sign him to a 2 year or 3 year deal. His cap would still stupid high for 2 year as stated above and his trade value would be crap. 3 years you can get it down to a number where you can project Boeser being worth it. 6.6M you would expect around 65pts. As the cap is projected to go up by his final year, he would only need to put up 60pt to justify it.
At the end of the day, the question they asked probably was, would Boeser bounce back. If he bounces back then the team have options. If they think he can’t then the best option is to let him go and get nothing really or to get a low pick and a cap dump.
They weight the risk vs return and went with 6.6Mx3.
All the options f***ing suck because of the qualifier Benning and Gear put in.
Also I don’t think her job was simply come up with contract to get Boeser signed. I think her job was probably, how the hell do we get the number lower so he can actually be worth the cap hit and he will actually be willing to sign it.