Registered User
You hit the nail on the head with number 1. It is so annoying just doing EVERYTHING that EVERYONE else does. Absolutely nothing during a Knights game is an original idea. They are all ripoffs from other Junior and Pro teams. You can't tell me there is not enough money in the budget to hire someone to actually come up with ONE original feature to a Knights game!A few things:
1 - White out is a terrible idea, and done by everyone. Just like Chelsea Dagger, Sweet Caroline and Country Roads, Knights can't resist following someone else's gimmick.
2 - Would love to see McNeil take on Sim again in the playoffs without the fight rule. Won't turn out nearly as well. What a coward move.
3 - crease should be all Stone Cold's in the playoffs. No need to get cute, Elliott is clearly the better goalie right now
4 - Bring back the Monty-Barkey-O'Reilly line for the playoffs. It was a dominant #1 line, giving us 2 with Cowan-Julien-Haltunnen. Nicholl-Nurmi-Sim and Van Gorp-Van Bommel-Read/Boulton/Aboflan to round it out.
Also agree the with the rest of course, but #1 is the thing that pushes my buttons and is the one thing I am embarassed about being a Knights fan.