If foudy is doing well. Had that goal streak going. Why wouldn't daley put him Hancock mcmichael on the forward line with bouch and boq on dee. This crazy lockhead move is getting old. No wonder why the pp stinks. Old bouchey boy looks disinterested in playing believes he should of made the oilers. Coaches should sit him down call him out on his play and time for him to answer the bell. If your the captain who looks uninterested, giving the puck away, making sloppy plays, your so called cannon from the point is non existent and not hitting the net. Your team looks up to you as their leader and if your not playing with that fire up your rear end then why would they want to. If bouchey doesnt answer the bell strip him of his captaincy and give it to someone whos willing to step up and light that fire under the players when needed.. come on dale start holding your players responsible and sit their butts on the pine. Maybe the message will be heard loud and clear..this playing crap style of play and barely beating bottom feeder teams is ridiculous. Guelph Ottawa have no problems coming out and clobbering the barries, steeelheads and such with more than 3 or 4 goals a game. Not this 1 goal a game b.s.