I didn't see the show, but I'm assuming it's this fella, who in his article says,
"• Toronto's most recent effort, a regulation time loss in Edmonton, could be described as the best version of their group. They competed extremely hard as a team, but ultimately ran out of gas and broke down at the most important time of the game – protecting a lead in the third period on the road against a top flight opponent.
• Sacrificing further draft capital, or prospects, from an already thin pool feels like a reach at this stage. This is a good team, not a great team.
I recommend standing pat with what they have and regrouping in the off-season, when bigger choices need to be made on free agents, major contract extensions and the makeup of the whole group. The organization doesn’t have the draft capital, or prospect depth, to spend on acquisitions at this trade deadline. It feels like they have more than one hole to plug and not enough putty to stop the leaks. They can use their pending UFAs as “own rentals” to accomplish the goal of being a playoff team and seeing where it takes them."
On Thursday morning the Toronto Maple Leafs sit in a wild card spot in the East and haven't won in four games. Are they contenders? Should they be deadline buyers? Jason Bukala looks at the team and shares his recommendations.