Here's another way of looking at it. With all due respect to Boston, we were also a very good team and according to the bookies IIRC, we had better than a 40% shot at beating them both times. Then, we were favoured to beat CLB so what were the odds of us losing 3 out of 3? You can do the math but I'd say it's less than 15% and adding the loss to WSH making it 4 out of 4 it becomes less than 10%.
Assume we win our division, we'll still be at best 3-2 favourites vs the teams we'll play so the odds of winning twice is less than 50%, more like 36% so yes, it would be more of an accomplishment then losing to Boston no matter how many games it takes.
Taking a team to 7 games as opposed to say 5 games is nowhere close to being the accomplishment that some people seems to think, at least IMHO. It's one thing to lose game 5, or game 6 but another thing entirely to lose game 7 and when it was all on the line, Boston just crushed us.
It's a big boys league and you don't get anything for making it close. You either win, or you don't. And it's time for us to win!