We are not close to being a cup contending team. That was the expectation with this core. The experiment is over. Even if Woll comes back and kicks a** we're not that team.
It's over. Heads need to roll. Change needs to happen. It's not tinfoil hat time anymore speaking about this.
Our Toronto Maple Leafs, in this current iteration. Are NOT cup contenders.
It's time for the fans to demand change, there is no more hope with how our talent is dispersed. It has failed, will continue to fail and we should stop allowing our money, time and passion to be rewarded with this hot garbage.
Just admit it, even if you love the team and beleaf. You're wrong. This is not the team. We are nowhere close to winning. We need to change and for the love of GOD not pretend for a minute we're 1 piece away from achieving anything great.
News flash. We're not.
It sucks to say and feel, but its the truth and you all know it.