Yes, its been terribly disappointing for those two. I thought Marner was very good tonight though, he just had no one to pass too as there was never an F3 in play it seemed, just always him and Hyman... not sure what Matthews was up to. Matthews was good defensively for the most part, but Nylander is able to be good both ways... as is Marner though I realize he is not scoring.
There were 2 plays that stood out to me. on the Habs 2nd goal there was a scramble in front of the net, Habs won it and pushed the puck towards the net and I think Holl put it in. It might have been in the 3rd, same exact play in front of Price, guess who wins the battle? Habs... puck cleared, no danger.
Our guys rarely if ever completly sell out in those situaions... like someone has to say fck it, I am all in. We are clearly the better skilled team here, and have been matching the Habs effort (which has been kinda lame) so have been able to control the series for the most part... I mean even tonight, we played like complete crap and prob should have won. Just makes me wonder how game 1 vs the Jets will go (for either of these teams).