It makes absolutely zero sense to test triple vaccinated asymptomatic players. We’re not going to have a season if they continue this practice. The NFL has even now stopped the testing of asymptomatic players.
The day people put their foot down and say enough is when we can all move on. In the meantime, you’ve got people arguing with each other, demonizing each other, and generally pointing fingers at fellow citizens for not doing enough.
21 months in…. Can we please start to hold the people responsible for the illogical policies, staffing shortages, lack of hospital capacity, and lack of early treatment options accountable? How are we not all yet on the same page with this?
While you're right, it's the people who have dragged their ass on the vaccination and have generally gone against the health care regulations, that have slowed down our progression through this thing.
Why test asymptomatic players?
Well, the NHL has a duty of care for all of their employees, they also have a duty of care for the people in the buildings (staff and general public). If the NHL is found to not taking reasonable measures to reduce the spread of a deadly, highly infectious disease, then they would be legally liable.
If there is the chance that asymptomatic players infecting other players unwillingly, then the NHL needs to know at the earliest possible time, who is infected and not allow those players to play. That's just common sense.
As for holding public officials responsible, who have progressively handicapped the health care systems....well that has absolutely nothing to do with testing players, and the duty of care the NHL holds.
That is up to the general public to voice their opinion going forward, at the voting booth.
We can't have it where we actively support someone who tells us they are going to pass cuts to the health care system in order to "save us tax dollars" and then get upset when the health care system is overwhelmed in a time of a global pandemic.