We are way better than we used to be no doubt about it and I’m so happy we are ..
And it was awesome to see that from our guys , really was ..
I still think that there would be more thinking out there from players that would even contemplate getting close to our goalie
Again I played and come from a different era o know and I’m not saying to have what we had in the 60s and 70s but man oh man the other team would know that their goalie would be run as well or one of their stars by a enforcer again ( who can play ) I kinda have a bit of knowledge in this department on both sides of that equation and what other players would say knowing that possibility was there ..
Just saying
Please don’t mistaken my thoughts with “Goons “ per se ... and all out brawls , I’m not there snymore with those thoughts , but there’s still room for one that can skate and play
I love Reeves man he’s the ultimate , not even Wilson can take his level
Chara was a beauty as well , why do you think Boston has had so much positive results in the last number of years , why do you think Marchand did what he did ? Or Bergeron have so much success , didn’t see much against them
But I get your point , but I don’t know , I still think we need more ...