That video is so far off
Some of the songs they just showed the singer say "truck" when the song isn't even about the truck so they aren't signing about trucks.
Rap, and Hip Hop is probably more guilty on all songs being the same.
lol not even close
Find the 10 most popular recent rap songs. Count the amount of times sex/strippers/hookers/drugs/gangsters are mentioned.
when will people realize that "popular rap songs" arent rap songs....
The Good Samaritan is ****ed up. Reddington is a badass. That is all.
I'm on one of those 24 hour emotional highs that started right after the clock hit zeros. Holy ****, what a game. When I see everyone tomorrow, Imma give them a big hug. When I see the chick, I'll probably pick her up right off the ground. ADRENALINE, WOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!
Great episode, I want to know what's up with the damn husband though!