You're taking a lot of heat for opinions that you formed early and maybe held onto a little longer than was appropriate, but I do understand where you're coming from. I just want to know where you are NOW.
There was a lot of skepticism when he first showed up, and it was warranted. Even the most optimistic Habs fan had to admit there was a legitimate chance he'd bust. For fans of other teams, who hadn't seen as many of his highlights, his play for the first month or so would not have instilled a lot of confidence. Those of us who spent a bit more time watching highlights over the last two year were sure he'd figure it out, but even in my wildest dreams, I did not expect him to figure it out this quickly. So I don't resent fans of other teams being skeptical back in October and November, but the hesitation to admit that he's arrived has definitely led to some friction. It seems like you're willing to admit he's playing extremely well right now, but do you think he's capable of maintaining this? Or do you think the weaker play to start the season is the norm, and this is simply a hot streak?