At first I thought it was an amazing haul but now I'm starting to think it's fairly balanced, at the very least not as one sided.
Few points
1. The Jets had no leverage so getting this back compared to Montreal's first rumoured trash offer, it is quite well for the Jets.
2. Months ago Jets fans would have loved to sign him for 8 years at $8.5M, even now they probably would have taken it. The problem is that PLD can take over games but can also be invisible at times. And to top it off he takes stupid penalties. He showed up for game one of the playoffs then disappeared.
3. Vilardi may have health issues but has great potential. I mean there's a reason why 3/4 of the Kings fanbase is mad at this trade.
4. 2nd round picks have something like a 20% chance of becoming an NHLer so I'm never excited about 2nd round picks and not sure why anyone is.
5. Kupari is probably a bust but it can be a low risk high reward if they can turn him into something.
As other Jets fans have said, Dubois wanted out and our hands were quite tied. He could have really screwed us but worked with the Jets organization to help us get the best return possible. Some of his "leaks" weren't the best but in the end this was the best case scenario when it could have been 10x worse.