Disagree with your first part, agree with your second.
I don't think the kings should trade a bunch of assets for him and then sign him to a massive contract... But I also just don't agree with all the 'he has an attitude problem' narrative.
He went from the least desirable team in the NHL (and playing for the least desirable coach) to like the 2nd least desirable team in the NHL.
But those multiple (2) environments are Columbus and Winnipeg. Environments that repeatedly have players wanting to leave.
I mean you could say this about literally any player coming to LA.
Look, I'm not saying he's perfect or has amazing character or anything I'm just saying half the fan base is making all these points about him having character issues, being a headcase, having attitude problems, etc etc... And I just don't see it. Most of us would want tf out of WPG and CBJ too if we were forced to play there.