QB vs Stutzle.
I recall Yannetti saying he was 50-50 on 2 players - obviously QB and Stutzle (can't imagine Drysdale or Raymond were 1 of them) and he said in the talks, what Rob wanted in a player to build the team - that clearly meant that player was QB. That's fine.
Yannetti talked accurately about QB not being close to developing physically and would take a long time to fill out and be playing at the size and weight he would eventually be.
I guarantee you that Rob envisions / envisioned a more powerful QB and not the finesse style he is playing, using quick feet and tryng to evade and hop around opponents....but a more powerful QB that can beat opponents physically - regardless if that was never his style. He looks 6'5" and 200 and has no power to his game. He's 19, of course. I don't think he will ever become an elite player, if he's 6'5" and 215 and still tries to outskate and finesse opponents. Sure, he may never be a powerful, physical force, but even 6'2" 200? Kupari looks more of a physical force, than QB...but he;s not going to be elite, without some real power to his game.
He's going to take time, but he had better go back and work with Roberts and get to 225-230 this offseason.
It would be fine if he lost 8% of his quickness, for some real size and strength. I honeslty think if Rob thought he was getting a 6'5" 210 finesse player, for his future #1 center, he would have gone Stutzle or traded down for Raymond or someone else.