But how the f*** can you say it's a way dirtier dumber league, after what just happened this weekend in the NHL....Gundrbranson getting absolutely wrecked from behind, then later on grabbing and beating the shit out of the guy, Larkin getting dummied from behind knocked right out, Perron feeding the guy lumber right to the teeth, Kane planting whatever Minny D that was directly from behind....
It's just baffling that after the weekend the NHL had you can come out and say this and be 100% serious
Both points you guys are making are true.
- The NHL has less blatant cheap shots than the AHL.
- That doesn't mean that the NHL doesn't have any of them
The NHL isn't free from these types of plays, but listen to Gretzky's comments on SC Podcast. There is a level of respect that exists at the NHL level that isn't at lower levels and results in much less very dangerous and dirty hits. I referenced that when I was debating with Sol and others last year when they wanted to "make McDavid eat his teeth", guys just don't do that very much at the NHL level. It's like "Mutually Assured Destruction" during the Cold War. More money involved, less player movement, more respect.
Now again, this particular hit that Turcotte took was not some kind of blatant cheap shot like some of the other ones, this is a regular hit resulting in a 2 minute penalty in hockey leagues all over the world, it just happened to involve a player with a defective brain, but he has also taken some nasty cheap shots in the AHL. And I know you hate to hear it, but yes the frequency of these types of hits in the AHL are the reason why more and more teams are avoiding sending players to this league unless they have to, choosing to let them develop more in college/Europe until they are NHL ready.
As far as any blame placed on the Kings, at the end of the day he probably just had a defective brain and this result was inevitable, but the pull from college was still beyond awful (the worst I've ever seen to be honest) and injury risk was certainly possible and increased (and did happen with other injuries). I've often referenced not being ready hockey skill wise, and he wasn't, and it wasn't even close, but there was so much more beyond just lack of hockey skill to make the jump. The Kings pulled a player who was expected to play a gritty, sandpaper, in your-face type of game at the pro level when he wasn't even close to being physically developed enough and didn't know how to effectively take hits at the NCAA level against smaller and slower players who are now selling insurance or in dental school. Yet the Kings thought it was wise to put him in the AHL, in a pro league prone for physical play and cheap shots against bigger and stronger pro hockey players. Again with the concussions and the defective brain it probably wouldn't have mattered, but with the other injuries those could have been less frequent had he joined the pro ranks a year later (like every other team probably would have done) with more mass on his body and more of an ability to dodge getting destroyed when he had the puck. I still to this day am amazed that the Kings thought it was wise to pull him, of course with the Kings organization being about as open as the North Korean government and nobody in the media willing to even ask these types of questions we have never really had any type of clear answer as to why they did.