A little context is required, is all.
Are the Rangers in the right to demote a player to the AHL at their prerogative? Yes. Should Kravtsov have accepted the demotion? Yes. Is Kravtsov in the wrong for acting out after being demoted? Yes.
But one of these parties is a 21 year old kid. Athletes do stupid things and misbehave all the time because they are idiots, mostly. These are people who play games for a living, not Rhodes Scholars.
The organization should know how to handle one of it's players doing something wrong, in a better fashion. For that they have blame, and on top of that, they really should have known how to solve this issue before he got to his misbehaving, because they had gone down this road before. They have to know better because they have more responsibility for the entire franchise and its fans to know it all and solve these problems.