Making it only about what they do with Risto is simplistic. Whether he gets traded or not will hinge on things beyond whether they've committed to analytics. Not the least of which is what the economic landscape of the league will look like beyond this season. If the league has to freeze the upper limit for a couple of seasons as has been talked about or even lowers it. How many teams will be lining up to acquire Risto and that contract? Even with a cheap price. The very reasons you, I,
@struckbyaparkedcar and many others would like to move on from him are the very reasons we may end up stuck with him in that economic climate.
So yes I think its too simplistic to make measuring their commitment to analytics all about whether they trade Risto. As for melodramatic, you don't think its a bit overly dramatic to frame their commitment to analytics entirely about what they do with Risto?
Feel free to rebut this and tell me why I'm terribly wrong.
Thank you,
"former moderator"