It is, there are a lot of bike riders where I live. Mostly driving those e-bikes. They will drive at night, some wearing dark clothing. The only thing you can see is their little red tail light. One night I was coming home this summer on a local two lane highway (speed limit 80km/50mph). Normally at that time, I worry more about a deer crossing. Since there are no street lights, it's pitch dark. On this night, as I came down a hill. I noticed a rider who was smartly wearing bright colours. As I went to pass, I safely moved over, into the on coming traffic lane. So that I could give the rider plenty of room. At that moment, the rider must have hit a rock, or simply just lost control. They swerved and narrowly missed hitting the side of my vehicle. I don't want to think how close they came to colliding into me. Or worse, if there had been a vehicle behind me.