People don't treat hurling two tons of steel in each other's general direction with the respect it deserves. I used to bike commute to work every day for 6 years, and the amount of dumb shit I've seen from drivers is absolutely shocking.
We need to be way harsher on drivers. Get caught distracted driving? Automatic 30 day suspension. Even if you don't cause an accident.
Also when look at the report...
the idiot undertook at speed on a single lane road. Which is pretty illegal and dangerous at 10mph if a vehicle is not turning left... it is dangerous as a driver to do that in terms of your own safety, let alone others.
You can be distracted, you can be drunk even... but you have to be a total reckless idiot to undertake on the right side on a single lane road, likely putting tires in dirt in process of doing so.
This is a pretty extreme case tbh... drunk driving is awful even in its milder forms... but this was not a milder form at all... probably ~3-4x over the limit given drank 5-6 beers... and even still he was stupidly reckless with how he was driving.
I mean, damn, no one should drive over the limit and the impact even 2-3 beers have on your reaction times and judgement is pretty severe... but 5-6 beers does not make anyone drive THAT badly unless they are a total knobhead to begin with.