What do you mean moved here?
Did Yakupov not go back in the summers?? I know lot's of these guy move here, Pulju as well I guess. But even if you move somewhere it does not mean you don't go back to your family home when you're off. I have lived 15 years away from Sweden and even though nowadays I only go like 2-3 weeks a year in the first 5 years I was home much more often.
This language thing is getting too much though, I think the two countries with best english knowledge (not being a native language) is Holland and Denmark. Like 90-95% of them speak English even though they live among dutch people and danes... That Pulju spent 2-3 out of 12 months in Finland is the least of all issues I have seen so far brought up, and that is saying something. 1) I think the language is way over-blown issue (I have said before it is/was one problem, not
the problem), I know it has been mentioned so you don't need to re-quote that again, 2) to the specifics, as
@Bryanbryoil said above, of course he could work on his english in Finland if necessary. Already spending 75-80% of his time in NA more than covers the being around english speaking people part for someone learning.
What he needed was better career advice obviously. That looks like a 100 times bigger issue than the language barrier.