How can we voice our displeasure?
1. Smash the front windows of a bunch of RBC outlets, or whoever your local sponsor is (I jest, I jest. "This station does not endorse vigilante justice. Unless it gets results. Which it will.")
2. Write a letter? To who? I wrote a little thing in to La Presse last night.
3. Don't watch games or buy merch, but that's a super passive way to do things and only works if you're organized at scale.
4. How would you even begin organizing a demonstration? It's unclear to me who has the platform to reach the fans of your local franchise en masse.
This pollutes the core product, and a carefully honored symbol that represents your community for anywhere from 50 to 100 years for most of us (recent expansions maybe less so, but....) It seriously tarnishes these franchise's capacity to be a positive symbol -- which is all they're really good for, in the end. Anyone can host a hockey game, and the top 10,000 players in the world are all about as entertaining to watch as the top 700. So this is about saving an institution that's come to mean a lot to a lot of us. The most powerful piece of subnational iconography on the continent, really, along with the other big sports franchises. I don't want to see just a skating advertisement every time I turn on the NHL, and if I do, I'm increasingly likely to turn it off. I'm advertised out. I've invested 25 years of care into these teams meaning something in my community(ies), and I hate to see it become just a crass commercial.