Cautiously Optimistic
So you feel like we’re damned either way. I mean maybe if he takes half of market value you can celebrate a victory. I’m just happy he’s on the team I very much think our best path forward is with him.
Anyways after typing that out, I was thinking glass half full glass half empty. More appropriately for us I think the case is the glass is not full vs the glass is not empty. Given that apparently you only see darkness and for me if they did trade DeBrusk for a 4th rounder and cap space I’d probably be telling you it’s because Boquist, Richard and Merkulov were outplaying him and ready for MAJOR breakouts.
Anyhow hope this works out and I hope Jake grows on you like he has on me.
you don’t see that Covid altered his chances to become a 30 goal scorer when he has played at a 30 goal pace for long periods. I mean I guess so. I mean I don’t go around talking about him being a 30 goal scorer but I do see him as a highly talented goal scorer playing a drastically improving 200’ game who will most likely hit 30 this year or next.He's a 30 goal scorer that has never scored 30.
I like Debrusk, but I hate projected numbers being used when he simply hasn't made it there yet.
Can he? Those projections say he COULD, but he hasn't put together a full season and to be honest, an 8 year deal for a guy that hasn't played a full season yet into 6 years after his draft year? Call me cynical, but not the guy I'm paying market value+ to stay here. The number is right? Great, let's keep him. But if we overpay him for a contract he could grow into, I'm skeptical.
That said letting him walk is also pretty awful. Sweeneys return for roster players hasn't really been impressive either.
So at this point, I kinda feel damned if we do, damned if we don't.
So you feel like we’re damned either way. I mean maybe if he takes half of market value you can celebrate a victory. I’m just happy he’s on the team I very much think our best path forward is with him.
Anyways after typing that out, I was thinking glass half full glass half empty. More appropriately for us I think the case is the glass is not full vs the glass is not empty. Given that apparently you only see darkness and for me if they did trade DeBrusk for a 4th rounder and cap space I’d probably be telling you it’s because Boquist, Richard and Merkulov were outplaying him and ready for MAJOR breakouts.
Anyhow hope this works out and I hope Jake grows on you like he has on me.