Your math is blowing my mind.Being 2020 eligible doesnt matter right now. Both are born in 2001 which means they have played the exact same years of hockey in their lives.
What I want to imply?
Jack Hughes, amazing scoring internationally(much better than Lafreniere), Jack Hughes, amazing scoring in his league(Matthews used as a comparable, should I have used Eichel instead?).
What I don't understand is how despite all the stats I point towards, people do not accept that Hughes is vastly outperforming Lafreniere. Whatever comparables you want to use, it always comes down to Hughes being far above Lafreniere, no matter what you want to look at.
Even so, we'll have "yeah but what does scoring matter" "yeah but what does skating matter" and all the cop outs one can imagine. Lafreniere just isn't even close to being as good as Hughes at this point in time and absolutely nothing backs that opinion up.
And THEN we arrive at the winger vs center argument. But it's not even needed. Lafreniere has abosolutely nothing tangible on Hughes.
I'd go with Hughes, only because Lafreniere has a female first name.
I'll take the kid who's besting Mackinnon's Q season
Drouin bested MacKinnons Q season lol. Bad deciding factor.
Hughes isn’t just better, he’s clearly superior.
Drouin bested MacKinnons Q season lol. Bad deciding factor.
Hughes isn’t just better, he’s clearly superior.
Both kids have insane upside and might be generational talents, so who would you draft first if Lafreniere was draft eligible for next year too, knowing he is 1 year younger and why?
Both kids have insane upside and might be generational talents, so who would you draft first if Lafreniere was draft eligible for next year too, knowing he is 1 year younger and why?
Didn’t we just have this thread? I feel like this is the 3rd time I’ve seen this thread.
According to Gretzky, he sees Lafreniere being a center in the NHL. For that, I would take him over Hughes. Because talent wise, he's up there. His the real deal. And having a french franchise player in Montreal would be amazing.
Hughes because of the value of a number 1 C.
But still, Alexis is amazing.
According to Gretzky, he sees Lafreniere being a center in the NHL. For that, I would take him over Hughes. Because talent wise, he's up there. His the real deal. And having a french franchise player in Montreal would be amazing.