Confirmed with Link: Ivan Provorov traded to CBJ (via LA) - 1st, 2 2nds, Petersen, Walker, Grans to Philly

I am going on a limb here and hope we didn’t trade Provorov for a 6/7 defender.

If so CLB getting him at a 30% discount by just trading a deph defenseman is highway robbery.
There’s got to be draft pick(s) attached. If not, this is a fleecing, unless Provy is about to indicted or something we aren’t privy too
Salary dumps are not the trade, obviously. Let's not panic until the details are in.
Walker, 1 yr/$2.65M, Peterson 2yr/$5M.
Kings don't have a starting, goalie, so stayed tuned, Copley (31) .903
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