Except nobody in the double digits is tradable which is why I responded to a posters question not the OP question , Yes to the OP question in an alternate reality of possibility I would trade Tavares but its not happening and his NMC has no bearing on the why , it's because nobody is dumb enough to pay him what we do for what he is today we payed 11 for what he was in hopes we would win before he became what he is and it just didn't work out . As for nobody treating players like that well the phrase Sign and Trade is a phrase because it is a common business practice in the league , Reilly is more attractive to a potential suiter today than he was before the extension because of the certainty provided by the extension . Adam Larrson or Jamie Olesiak at 4 and 4.6 per over 4 and 5 years fits our cap model much better than yet another player signed well beyond his prime years for almost twice the price . Reilly's extension is another 8 year pay him for what he was not what he is contract by this management .