I have no interest in their profits, I merely understand why they've taken these actions in regards to the Olympics.
It's fine to be disappointed that NHLers aren't participating, but that should be tempered by an appreciation for the circumstances of the situation. It should also not be skewed by some deluded perception that the issues are so very black and white, that the NHL either supports international growth regardless of the financials or that they don't. It's not such a simple issue to define in such hard terms.
Do not know how you define "international growth". IMO this is a support of international movement. And yes, a league has to sacrifice its own bussiness if needed to "grow the game." Btw, Olympics are once a four years. NHL´s bussiness would not be ruined if participating.
What the NHL has done & is contradicting of what I said above:
1.Not participating at event, which is the biggest sport event nowadays. Even the FIFA World Cup is not bigger than Olympics. So, the NHL does not care about "growing the game", they care only about their bussiness.
2.Introducing an event, World Cup of Hockey, with teams which are not even countries. So again, the NHL does not care about "growing the game", they care only about their bussiness.
3.Not allowing their players to participate at the IIHF Worlds. Again, the NHL does not care about "growing the game", they care only about their bussiness.
4.Transfer rules, which are beneficial for ONE league, not for ALL leagues in the world. The rules are not balanced. I talked about it earlier, wont repeat. So, the NHL does not care about "growing the game", they care only about their bussiness.
5.Pre-season games in Europe & Asia. No consistency, like the World Cup. The games are fine, but there should be much more such NHL vs non-NHL games. I can be wrong about a sum, there were reports a few years ago that the KHL & the NHL negotiated about an exhibition games. A key problem was that the NHL wanted a milion USD (or half a milion?) for such a event from the KHL. The KHL offered a model - fine, both league will invest 50/50 & will share a profit 50/50. The KHL even negotiated directly with NBC. Is this "a growing a game" or "international growth "?
Just a few examples how the NHL does not support international growth. Can you provide an example/s how the NHL support international growth?
I give you an example from the KHL. The league has a problem with scheduling, because the league has to break their regular season for the EHT events, this season for Olympics, and has to finish their Gagarin Cup play-offs before the IIHF World starts. So, the KHL sacrifice its own bussiness. Other Euro leagues do the same. If every (not only hockey) league cared only about its own bussiness, there would be no international events like the Olympics, FIFA World Cup, Handball events, Volleyball events, etc.
It was more than 5 million USD for the NHL vs the KHL exhibition game/s which the NHL wanted.