Possibly. But then again, it could just be another restaurant or bar that is open all year round. Or you could use the space for anything, maybe even expanding the Canes offices into the area and whatnot.
Also, I did just stumble across this proposal from last year.
Quite a lot of what is covered in that presentation actually made it through to the main renderings that were shared this year. Couple things worth noting, because I wouldn't be shocked if they still end up happening.... The 2023 presentation called for 2 View bars in the 300 level and 2 more added to the main bowl, next to the Buffalo Brothers area, opening the main concourse to the bowl. That would completely change the feel of the main bowl, and I think for the better.
Also, the 2024 proposal called for the infill of a bunch of stairwells, and I have struggled to understand how that could help with the crowding in the concourse. The 2023 presentation actually demonstrated how it would:
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