Reprehensible User
The buffalo trotting in circles around you tramples most of them.If we operate on the assumption that the animals are trained to hunt and kill you I think if you don't take the rats you lose. I can't see any combo of the others that can deal with that many rats before enough get through and swarm you.
People are way, way underestimating the Buffalo here. They are extremely large, extremely violent when threatened, and *extremely* fast. One of the few options that I think kills the hunter relatively easily- it takes more than one bullet to take one down unless you get an absolutely perfect shot (and even then, if it's charging right at you, there are good odds of you still getting crushed), and if two of them run at him full speed, he's not getting enough shots off to take them both out.

Buffalo and the lions I think give you the most viable shot. Lions are incredibly versatile, and any of the eagles that come low enough to attack are low enough for a lion to grab. Ever seen a housecat jump several feet in the air to grab a bird in flight? Lions can and actually do do that to eagles in the wild. (I was debating adding a photo here to illustrate, and I got a result googling about one of the Vancover Zoo's lions killing one of their golden eagles when said eagle flew too low trying to evade some crows. Oops. Very expensive trained eagle became lion snack with traumatized kids watching.) Buffalo can gore, move at a faster speed than anything but the lions, and are extremely hard to kill unless the hunter gets the headshot, but he's only going to get one of those at best before he's trampled. Single buffalo routinely take on entire wolf packs dumb enough to go after calves. It's a lot of rats, but in many ways too many. Huge numbers will get slaughtered even by their allies simply getting trampled from all of the movement. Not much is going to survive a bunch of the best land predators in the world and a bunch of animals roughly the weight of a car charging and trampling at 30mph.