Make AHL, ECHL as leagues of their own. Bring relegation system to the mix.
Instead of getting awarded from being the last team, relegate the ones who finish last, don't award them!
32 teams, 2 last place teams of the regular season, gets relegated to the AHL
- the 3rd last team will play a best of 7 game series against AHL team.
| the AHL would have two different conferences, American and Canadian, the play-offs would be
played within conference, both Conference champions would be promoted to the NHL, after the best of 7 series
there would be a AHL championship game after that, like the Super Bowl, the losers of the Conference championship series
will play a 1 game play-off game, to decide the team who'll face the 3rd last NHL team |
The 29th, 28th, 27th placed teams will get the best chance to win the draft lottery.
The AHL teams will get automatic 30th pick (AHL champion), 31st pick (loser of the AHL championship game)
32nd pick(possible 3rd AHL team, but if the NHL team wins the series, that NHL team is awarded with the 32nd pick)