How would you “fix” the NHL

Either widen the rinks, or decrease goalie equipment
And call the game the same in the playoffs as the regular season, this double rules standard is awful
Add one more puck.

We have two referees, two nets, two goalies, why not two pucks?

We would be the first major sport ever to have two "balls" in play.

Football, Basketball, Baseball, Hand-Egg, none of them have tried it.
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Stop catering to all the snowflake fans who whine about everything. If you’re one of those whose constantly crying about the referees/penalties/suspensions just go watch another sport.

Hockey is fine the way it is.

Real hockey is 6v6. Bunch of snowflakes removed the rover to 'open up the game' and 'encourage offense'.
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the game became too over coached/strategized, starting around the mid 90s. Idk how you fix that. The sport is played more conservatively now.

Some type of illegal defense penalty perhaps.

I hate the collapsing 5 skaters back in the D zone thing. And way too much focus on shot blocking in the last 5-6 years.
It might not be the NHL that's the issue, but the fact that we (myself included) grow older and lose some of that unbridled enthusiasm over things. In the very least it's hard to really (really) assess what has caused you to perceive the league to be less interesting.

It’s definitely less physical, less intense. Overall skill is higher though.
I like this one. More shots need to make it on net.
I do think it may come to a "no lying down to block shots" at some point.

I always wonder how they handle it for a defenseman on a 2 on 1. If you lay out on the ice to block the pass and the guy ends up shooting, is that a penalty?
1) they need to play more games in China
2) They need more team down south, let say in New Orlean, Mississippi, maybe one more in Jacksonville
3) Get a team in Atlantic City
4) Get some teams out of Canada
5) Play more game in the morning and afternoon
6) Pregame show must be bowling.
7) after the 3X3 - why not try 2X2
As per hockey:

I think the players are spectacular, dedicated. But they probably should not taking care of the players security.
I loved hockey back in the 90’s and early 2000’s and as I got older, the game is definitely not as much fun to watch and I have more excitement for the NFL. After watching movies like Ice Guardians, you can see the game isn’t the same.

Just curious, if given control over the NHL what would be your priorities?
put a real team in toronto
A 3 on 3 Asian development league might actually be a great idea to promote the game there.
Simply call interference.

Defensemen should not be touching forechecking forwards who just dumped it in.

It's gotten worse and the grace period refs afford defensemen has seemingly increased.
It doesn’t really need fixing at all, just a few tweaks.
1. Tighten LTIR, Tampa did nothing wrong so we need to stop bit chi by because they used it better than everyone else. However, the loop holes need closing.
2. Consistent refereeing, no game management. Teams letting in 5 ppl per game will soon learn.
3. Dept of player safety. Consistency of suspensions… my biggest gripe.

Also for those advocating a 3 point system, I’ve seen that render the regular season effectively over and pointless at the 2/3 mark. It was abandoned after 1 season and would be a disaster in the NHL.
All teams have 3 lines only, expand the team to adjust for it

+1 on 3 lines. Hockey is a 3-line game. 3 lines of forwards and 5 D. Maybe allow 1 or 2 backup players that can dress in case of injury but they can only play due to injury.

No back-to-back games EVER. Teams have noticeably less energy on the 2nd game of a back-to-back and it makes those games way worse. Shorten the season to do it if necessary.

Get rid of guaranteed contracts. How many times have we seen players sign a big contract and then not live up to it? Players like that are a drain on the franchises that have them and it makes the game worse.

Make the net bigger. Just slightly. The average goalie size has become so huge compared to the past. Equipment crackdown hasn't worked. It's time to make the nets bigger.

Penalty for leaving your feet intentionally to make a defensive play. Player's protective equipment is so good compared to the past that players throw themselves at shots. Only the bravest players did that in the past and shot blocking was an actual skill. You needed to get the timing just right. That's no longer the case. And seeing defencemen flop on their bellies on a 2-on-1 and wave their stick around? That's not a skillful play. Anyone can do that.

In the playoffs, teams submit a list of the referees they'd like to see working their games. NHL has to choose referees from both teams list.
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Reduce goalie equipment size.

Remove trapezoid

Call interference

Limit video review to a very short time period. Not obvious? Call on the ice stands.
+1 on 3 lines. Hockey is a 3-line game. 3 lines of forwards and 5 D. Maybe allow 1 or 2 backup players that can dress in case of injury but they can only play due to injury.

No back-to-back games EVER. Teams have noticeably less energy on the 2nd game of a back-to-back and it makes those games way worse. Shorten the season to do it if necessary.

Get rid of guaranteed contracts. How many times have we seen players sign a big contract and then not live up to it? Players like that are a drain on the franchises that have them and it makes the game worse.

Make the net bigger. Just slightly. The average goalie size has become so huge compared to the past. Equipment crackdown hasn't worked. It's time to make the nets bigger.

Penalty for leaving your feet intentionally to make a defensive play. Player's protective equipment is so good compared to the past that players throw themselves at shots. Only the bravest players did that in the past and shot blocking was an actual skill. You needed to get the timing just right. That's no longer the case. And seeing defencemen flop on their bellies on a 2-on-1 and wave their stick around? That's not a skillful play. Anyone can do that.

NHLPA would like to know how the ownership would like to compensate for gutting 4 of 20 (20% of work force) roster spots and removing guaranteed contracts.

And to give owners time to figure that out, NHLPA would like to negotiate a new CBA first, 10% additional hockey related revenue to a 60/40 split for the players, not to agree to the requests, but just to allow the owners to propose such changes at a later time.

If the owners refuse to give up the 10% for the chance of presenting the changes, then the players would like to go on strike.
Eliminate the frustration of watching your team's greedy, overpaid stars going soft as they choke in the playoffs. Align $$$ with playoff performance.
  1. If the salary cap is $81.5M, shift it to $61.5M.
  2. The other $20M from all 32 teams goes into a trophy purse ($640M).
  3. The Stanley Cup winning team gets the $640M, with $140M going to the team owners/management and $500M being shared among the players.
Advertise the players and teams

Actually put the games on primetime and not the same 5 teams

Try to actually make a regular season game matter for once

Stop trying to be under the NBA's shadow

Eliminate the frustration of watching your team's greedy, overpaid stars going soft as they choke in the playoffs. Align $$$ with playoff performance.
  1. If the salary cap is $81.5M, shift it to $61.5M.
  2. The other $20M from all 32 teams goes into a trophy purse ($640M).
  3. The Stanley Cup winning team gets the $640M, with $140M going to the team owners/management and $500M being shared among the players.

Hi, 25 all stars would sign to $2.4 million dollars deals each and rig the cup.

And about 15 teams will be folding.


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