How would you “fix” the NHL

Teams have same salary cap. Factoring in taxes and etc
Shorten contract length to max 4 years (will reflect player's skills better) and make it possible for teams to have control over players they drafter for longer (RFA). To compensate contract term shortening
Start calling a game by a book
Shorten the season if 50% of teams going to make PO or one less round of play-offs so long season will actually make sense
Less politics more hockey
Less woke propaganda more sport

How do you factor in taxes?
For example teams have 60 mil of net pay to work in, you add taxes on top to figure out what is the salary should be in let's say Montreal or Nashville (will be different)

Does a player pay their team's location's taxes for every game played and irrespective of citizenship?
Does a player pay their team's location's taxes for every game played and irrespective of citizenship?
I'm pretty sure it is. That's why a lot of players chose to play in low tax states regardless of their citizenship and home town
The NHL needs to figure out a way to not just increase scoring but allow the most gifted players to show off their skills. Goalies need to be targeted. Might have to actually take a look at the nets.
Sure thing :)

Players pay taxes per game based on the location of the game. Half of the games a player plays will not be subject to their team's local tax laws, but to the laws of the state or province they are playing in.

Players playing in the US get a federal income tax credit for paying state income tax.

Players playing outside of their home country must play additional taxes (to their home country, usually so long as they continue to retain citizenship), but those taxes are prorated based on state and federal income taxes paid in many cases (IE, they pay less taxes to their home country if they pay more in state taxes).

Players have access to tax lawyers and accounts that get paid to minimize their tax burden. Teams also work to do this, especially by maximizing how much time players are doing "chartable" work.

To make your idea work a team will need to know the location of every away game for the next up to 8 years (328 games), the tax laws of each of those places, and if those tax laws will change in that time.

Example: The upper tax brackets had their income tax percentages changed in the US under Trump and may change again under Biden. What happens if a player signs a contract and all of the sudden they need to pay more or less taxes? Many states are considering changing their state income taxes, and some even consider abolishing them. Every player in the NHL's cap hit would need to be adjusted if 1 town that has a hockey team decides to pass an income tax.
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The NHL needs to figure out a way to not just increase scoring but allow the most gifted players to show off their skills. Goalies need to be targeted. Might have to actually take a look at the nets.
I think really cracking down on slashes and hooks around a player's hands and upper part of the stick would go a long way to helping this.

I'd even be up for something fairly radical like having all player's sticks painted white (or some other highly visible color) a certain length at the top end of the stick so any stick fouls to that area are easier to call as a penalty.
Players pay taxes per game based on the location of the game. Half of the games a player plays will not be subject to their team's local tax laws, but to the laws of the state or province they are playing in.

Players playing in the US get a federal income tax credit for paying state income tax.

Players playing outside of their home country must play additional taxes, but those taxes are prorated based on state and federal income taxes paid in many cases (IE, they pay less taxes to their home country if they pay more in state taxes).

Players have access to tax lawyers and accounts that get paid to minimize their tax burden. Teams also work to do this, especially by maximizing how much time players are doing "chartable" work.

To make your idea work a team will need to know the location of every away game for the next up to 8 years (328 games), the tax laws of each of those places, and if those tax laws will change in that time.

Example: The upper tax brackets had their income tax percentages changed in the US under Trump and may change again under Biden. What happens if a player signs a contract and all of the sudden they need to pay more or less taxes? Many states are considering changing their state income taxes, and some even consider abolishing them. Every player in the NHL's cap hit would need to be adjusted if 1 town that has a hockey team decides to pass an income tax.

Thank you!

Can we please put the myth of the state tax advantage to bed once and for all please??
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Players pay taxes per game based on the location of the game. Half of the games a player plays will not be subject to their team's local tax laws, but to the laws of the state or province they are playing in.

Players playing in the US get a federal income tax credit for paying state income tax.

Players playing outside of their home country must play additional taxes (to their home country, usually so long as they continue to retain citizenship), but those taxes are prorated based on state and federal income taxes paid in many cases (IE, they pay less taxes to their home country if they pay more in state taxes).

Players have access to tax lawyers and accounts that get paid to minimize their tax burden. Teams also work to do this, especially by maximizing how much time players are doing "chartable" work.

To make your idea work a team will need to know the location of every away game for the next up to 8 years (328 games), the tax laws of each of those places, and if those tax laws will change in that time.

Example: The upper tax brackets had their income tax percentages changed in the US under Trump and may change again under Biden. What happens if a player signs a contract and all of the sudden they need to pay more or less taxes? Many states are considering changing their state income taxes, and some even consider abolishing them. Every player in the NHL's cap hit would need to be adjusted if 1 town that has a hockey team decides to pass an income tax.

1) Out of 41 away games playing for team A or team B will be visiting during the season same places. Let's say 40% of them will be different cause of divisions (worse case scenario). 50% of salary will still be calculated by home games additional 30% will be identical and only 20% (worse case scenario) will be different, but nice try. You forgot to mention what happens when player is injured ;-)

2) To make my idea work you make a player (John Smith) and he has to make 4 mil net a year and let your accounting department figure out how much gross he will need to be paid (all things factored in). NHL creates a schedule for whole season in summer every year. Just sayin
  • Fire Buttman (sic)
  • Two divisions consisting of 12 teams in Canada and 12 teams in the US (winner of both play-off divisions plays the other division in the final, thus a Canadian team has a 50% chance of winning the Cup every year)
  • With a 24 team league, reduce the amount of games down to 48 (too many meaningless games right now)
  • Laying down or kneeling to block a shot is a penalty (reduces injuries and increases scoring chances)
  • 5 year max contract term off ELC and 3 year max contract term from UFA (encourages players to truly work for each contract)
1) Out of 41 away games playing for team A or team you will be visiting during the season same places. Let's say 40% of them will be different cause of divisions (worse case scenario). 50% of salary will still be calculated by home games additional 30% will be identical and only 20% (worse case scenario) will be different, but nice try. You forgot to mention what happens when player is injured ;-)

2) To make my idea work you make a player (John Smith) and he has to make 4 mil net a year and let your accounting department figure out how much gross he will need to be paid (all things factored in). NHL creates a schedule for whole season in summer every year. Just sayin

1. If the NHL keeps the current divisional play format for the life of the contract (spoiler alert, last season shows you why that can't be taken for granted). And if those places keep consistent tax laws during the whole life of the contract (again, spoiler alert, they don't).

2. Will this be before escrow? After? Will this be after the player decides how much to lie about his donations? Or how much he might put away into a retirement fund? What about injuries (medical expenses are a huge deduction)? What if he buys or refinances his house? What if he's traded? What if he rents? What if he decides to invest in crypto? What if in the middle of the season Biden rolls back Trump's tax cuts for the highest earners? What if his state has a ballot initiative to lower or repeal state income taxes? What if the city he plays in passes an income tax?

Your idea sounds simple if you have only a simple understanding of how complex taxes are. There is no way to make this work in real life. And no GM or owner would go for this because it would make it next to impossible to plan their cap situation long term.
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1) Out of 41 away games playing for team A or team B will be visiting during the season same places. Let's say 40% of them will be different cause of divisions (worse case scenario). 50% of salary will still be calculated by home games additional 30% will be identical and only 20% (worse case scenario) will be different, but nice try. You forgot to mention what happens when player is injured ;-)

2) To make my idea work you make a player (John Smith) and he has to make 4 mil net a year and let your accounting department figure out how much gross he will need to be paid (all things factored in). NHL creates a schedule for whole season in summer every year. Just sayin

In New York, Boston, Toronto and Montreal NHL players can make 7 figures for appearances and endorsements in addition to their official NHL contract. In Florida, Nashville and Dallas none of that money is available. Should Toronto be penalized for that?

In LA, Toronto, Chicago and Vancouver the cost of housing is very high. In Raleigh, NC, Nashville and Pheonix housing is far more inexpensive. Should Coyotes be penalized for a lower cost of living?

New York, Toronto, Las Vegas, Nashville, LA/Anaheim have very exciting life styles. Edmonton, Long Island, Washington, Denver less so. Should LA be penalized because its cool to live there?

Get off the tax thing.
I'd find a way to bring in as many new athletes to the sport as possible. I don't think the league needs to be "fixed" but that would make things better imo
Nostalgia is your issue, not everyone else's.
I guess nostalgia is to blame for why I feel the star wars sequels were horrible too.

I agree that nostalgia from an older era will always leave us longing for a simpler time, however not all changes are viewed as beneficial to everyone.

Continuous quality improvement will result in changes to the game and we need to appreciate that we can move forward, which is why I asked for a solutions, not problems.
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Now how would I fix the NHL?

One word: Clones.

The NHL should aggressively invest in cloning technology. Once they got that pat, they clone in genes that would rapidly age their clones to the age of 15. From there you use Soviet style hockey training to get the clones ready for their life as clone slaves in the NHL. As clones have no legal rights, there would be no legal need for safety rules or equipment, meaning refs would only be there to manage game flow (offsides, icings, goals, faceoffs, etc). This would also mean more goals, as goalies would have to play with only minimal pads and a goalie stick. No mask even. As to who we clone? Well the best players ever to play of course. The caveat is only one clone of that player can be alive in the NHL at any time.


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