Pavels Dog
Registered User
No, everything was just better in the past.Nostalgia is your issue, not everyone else's.
I blame rock music and video games for the decline of the NHL.
No, everything was just better in the past.Nostalgia is your issue, not everyone else's.
I wonder why a Leafs fan would be an advocate of removing the salary cap.
I loved hockey back in the 90’s and early 2000’s and as I got older, the game is definitely not as much fun to watch and I have more excitement for the NFL. After watching movies like Ice Guardians, you can see the game isn’t the same.
What do you think would happen if they removed it lmao, it'd only get worse. Goalie equipment has been shrinking for years too......Make goalies wear their actual size equipment, not 5XL so they cover the entire net
Remove the salary cap since teams are just abusing it anyways
the game became too over coached/strategized, starting around the mid 90s. Idk how you fix that. The sport is played more conservatively now.
No, the idea was cost certainty.unified salary tax, or in other words, same tax rates for ALL nhl teams. if governments dont agree then NHL can adjust all teams to a a standard nhl transfer system. AS in a rich Canadian team pays a big payment to the nhl to help poor teams. lower that amount to even out the different salary tax for different states and countries. the entire idea is to have a total even playing field for ALL Teams. Yes you cant fix the sunny palm trees vs the cold frozen winter but heck can the money be even at least.
Would definitely remove the instigator penalty"Fix" as in go back to legal head hunting hits and staged fights?
I loved hockey back in the 90’s and early 2000’s and as I got older, the game is definitely not as much fun to watch and I have more excitement for the NFL. After watching movies like Ice Guardians, you can see the game isn’t the same.
Just curious, if given control over the NHL what would be your priorities?
There's nothing wrong with the NHL. Which has long been the problem. Since I've been watching, late 80s to current, every year it's "how to fix the NHL" and constant changes, most unnecessary or gimmicky, over-expansion (in my opinion) which generally make the sport and league worse, but overall I'd just prefer they stop trying to "fix" things and let it be since it's decent enough, as is. Not going to go backwards (make it better) and any future changes are almost guaranteed to make things worse so ... let it be.
I do always think about how the 1992-93 season was the best in my lifetime and arguably the best in NHL history, and it was the ONLY season as a 24-team league, four divisions of six, etc. Perfect amount of teams. Playoff format made sense. Conferences made sense. Divisions and division names made sense (though hypothetically would move Jets to Norris and TB would have been Colorado and in the Smythe in an alternate universe), rules made sense. If there was a point in my lifetime where I could have just paused the league and league structure/format, it would have been then. Twas perfect.
Even the following season, despite unnecessary expansion to a 26-team league, was great. NHL/hockey had all the momentum, so naturally was time for a lockout ...