For those who want to relitigate an already over talked subject of contracts...I will sum it up.
Marner got over much?
His comparables were almost exactly Patrick Kanes. Cap adjusted, Kane got just over 9mm for 5 years. A 6th year would have moved the contract closer to 10. Marner overpaid by .6mm.
Nylanders comparables really close to Ehlers. Ehlers got 6 million over 7. Nylander got signed for 5.6 years with 1 less ufa year. Even with cap inflation (6.3mm to 6.4mm), his contract should have been sub 6MM per year for that term. He was overpaid by over 1 million. If you want to talk about contract performances, just compare point per game differencial.
An unfair way would be to add all the points and all the games played which Marner does better at relative to the contract.
A fair way would gross up the game denomentator for Nylander by 33 games (the games he was paid to not play when he held out) to which Marners contract beats his significantly)