How do you feel about the firing of Tim Peel?

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The media take on this is expected. They squirm around on it like the snakes that they are. Just sayin
This guy got caught on mic controlling the game with a whistle.
We have video on this very page of numerous refereeing incidents where they ignore calls that are player safety related fully.
Anyone defending fixing games has a problem between their ears.

Fraudulent is fraudulent. It’s not real anymore. The integrity of the game so bad right now. Plotting against a team is not unbiased. This guy was plotting. A ref needs to call the rules by the book. This clown ref in Edmonton watching Nurse throw a flying cloths line at Mikheyev from 20 feet away did not miss that obnoxious penalty. He ignored it. Thats cheating,fixing,dishonest,incompetence and a encyclopedia of other words for cheating. Completely disgusting unacceptable.

Major media are cronies and weak on this. To them wheni listen i think.gfy
They had it coming and I hope more get caught. :)
I have zero respect for cheats
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Are you on drugs? I didn't say they should fire refs or anything remotely like that.

They need to change the culture of how games are officiated. Firing refs is scapegoating.
Well that is a debate whether or not da culture should be changed? Hockey's players (most) like me think it is fine in general. And so do most refs who are ex-players.
You think da culture is gonna change because of fans???????????? Not a chance. It may change because da gambling business/Bettman lawyer says lookiie here we ain't paying you unless you clean this sh*t up. And if they do then it truly requires a change in da culture, as you say you, and to affect that result you need to replace all da older hockey players turned refs. And find a new avenue to find refs. Or a new system to ref games.
Bottom line hockey people are human and get ingrained in ways of our game from time we are mere kids. And it gets hammered home, by every coach and refs every night for 5-7 nights/week from time most of us are 4 years old. It is like multiplication to most fans.
Oh please. You act as if people have no agency. It's akin to a cop claiming it is a reflex to pull the trigger after drawing a gun.
No it is not at all like that. You have to understand da ways of game are pounded into us daily/nightly 5-7 times a week from time we are 4 from coaches/refs ... it is truly all we know ... school to most of us was a f*ckin waste of time ... it is only after you leave da game when you realize how stupid/crazy da whole circus act really was ... then you wake up in late 20's when your friends said why are you playing hockey after school every day and at practice/game/skill coaches every night when you have almost a zero chance of playing in da show --- wow holy sh*t I was wrong all along ... then it hits home hard ... and many a guy can't deal with it ... some get lucky and figure it out and start going back to school like me
"won't be reffing any more games in the future"

Hey Timmy we found an extra month of vacation and personal time you didn't use going back to 2004. You can retire now!
He actually retired officially last year on pension and was asked back on a subcontract for 1 season to help in training ... da whole thing is a joke ... even Fraser said he is one of da good guys ... if you guys think Peelsy is bad OMG ... he got scapegoated because it went live on air ... you may even see refs refuse to officiate unless mics are turned off ... either that or you will hear absolutely nothing from refs AT ALL zero and players/coaches will be confused in games as they won't know what direction da ref is reffing da game
I'm a little miffed that I was slow on the uptake about game management. Nobody's fault but my own, I can be naive. Believe me from today on I'll watch a game if there is nothing else to do but I will never cancel or change an activity because of a hockey game. It's on the level of WWE now. Still fun but a kid's houseleague game is more genuine in my opinion.

lol. wow
Yes it is a GREY line but not black and white ... but every single play on defense there is a decent chance for a penalty - interference, slash, cross check, elbow, hitting above shoulders where a taller D hits a smaller forward (touches his head) ... and even though da rule book has not changed da interpretations have changed over da years ... do ya have an older ref like Peelsy? or a younger guy? it factors in ... used to be able legally to use your body/cross check on forward in front of net to move him away from ur tender (forwards knew it, refs knew it and defenders knew it) so no screenshots ... today all you are allowed to do is control da attackers stick ... but technically both plays are interference on a man without da puck ... different interpretations 20 years ago and different interpretations today ... but still not da pure rule book ... bottom line is refs are former players most from a generation back so I think we will continue on with game management where refs, as former players, still try to help out other players ... but game overall will get softer and softer and faster and faster and more skilled as da audience changes to younger age groups who are not used to let men be men and decide da game for themselves ... guys like Peelsy are done in game

That's not true though...if you're Matthews you could get assaulted over and over again with crosschecks and still not draw any penalties because you play for the Leafs...but if you're McDavid playing for the Oilers, it's another story! So sick of this crap!
That's not true though...if you're Matthews you could get assaulted over and over again with crosschecks and still not draw any penalties because you play for the Leafs...but if you're McDavid playing for the Oilers, it's another story! So sick of this crap!
This jim parsons on hockey writers was looking for a angle that this helps McDavid get more calls from this.It’s not about McDavid bias. That’s what supposedly represents hockey? The Oilers get a positive number of powerplay minutes already. I kove kicking their butts bad. I’m guessing they know they need powerplays to win.
Sabourin can play the game sound positionally and defensively. Keefe doesn’t put him in the games.
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That's not true though...if you're Matthews you could get assaulted over and over again with crosschecks and still not draw any penalties because you play for the Leafs...but if you're McDavid playing for the Oilers, it's another story! So sick of this crap!
Yes mistakes get made man ... that one got missed for sure ... who was ref? was he an older guy in his 4/50s who came from our culture? ... this is other issue different refs grew up with different ingrained cultures too ... i don't know who ref was but I would bet he was 50+ and from Canada ... if he was an American ref that would have been called

In IHL/AHL da game was da wild west and fights were advertised 20+ years ago to draw in paid spectators and refs were told to let da boys play hard ... in OHL 20 years ago, unless you were a 1st round pick, you fought to make a team in camp literally staged fights to see if you were made of right stuff ... players/refs from that era are still around and in positions of control like Campbell ... he says one thing publicly but behind scene over drinks that is not what he truly believes
Yes mistakes get made man ... that one got missed for sure ... who was ref? was he an older guy in his 4/50s who came from our culture? ... this is other issue different refs grew up with different ingrained cultures too ... i don't know who ref was but I would bet he was 50+ and from Canada ... if he was an American ref that would have been called

In IHL/AHL da game was da wild west and fights were advertised 20+ years ago to draw in paid spectators and refs were told to let da boys play hard ... in OHL 20 years ago, unless you were a 1st round pick, you fought to make a team in camp literally staged fights to see if you were made of right stuff ... players/refs from that era are still around and in positions of control like Campbell ... he says one thing publicly but behind scene over drinks that is not what he truly believes
The refs were these guys, just scroll down to the leafs game. It was January 13 2021. Today’s NHL Referees and Linesmen – 1/13/21
One young,one older,one American and one Canadian. The linesmen were both from Ontario. I can add video of both ignoring to make the call if you would like a link. Its in the thread documenting all the sh!t calls and non calls we suffer from constantly. Beyond comprehension that we get screwed over and any Leaf-fan defends these game fixing cronies
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Do you really want that to happen? You've already seen that the players don't miss playing in front of an audience and the main broadcaster stick its thumb in the eye of its key Canadian demographic. How detached from the product do you want to get?
Detached? I want the league to admit what everyone knows is true. Especially with all the gambling now. I want to see behind the curtain. The good, the bad and the ugly. You can live in a land of fantasy and pretend this doesn't happen. Dream of days gone by. I wish you the best with all of that.

I don't miss the audience much either. With all the microphones it's great hearing what everyone says. Even the

This is only the beginning. Refs are going to be under the gun from here on in. An issue the league cannot ignore.

From Dom L in The Athletic:

"The NHL has a massive problem that needs to be talked about, the “let them play” ethos that’s plaguing the sport at every level. It’s the idea that the referee can decide a game with a penalty call, but that somehow doesn’t apply to a non-call of a blatant rulebook violation. Not deciding the game is deciding the game – for the other team committing the violations. It’s letting one team play, illegally, and asking the other team to simply deal with it, to play around it. It’s a plague on the sport, one that’s amplified further in the highest leverage situations, where whistles are swallowed depending on how important the moment is...

That brings us back to Peel, who doesn’t look so different from the average referee. In that time span, there have been 36 referees who skated in 50 games or more. Peel ranks 26th in games with an even penalty differential (22.5 percent), 27th when the penalty differential is one or less (57.8 percent), and 26th when the penalty differential is two or less (84.3 percent). All three figures are not far from average. Peel was just doing his job. And that’s the problem...

It’s not just Peel, and it’s not the quality of officials the league has either; it’s how they’re instructed to do their jobs."

As the league's efforts to include gambling increase, this obvious directive - game management by the officials - from the head office is going to lead to serious issues of safety for the referees. The league has been outed, its blatant attempts to make things 'even' to protect teams who are not competitive is now at the forefront of problems that need to be addressed. This is not going to go away, and when games include fans in the arenas, problems are going to occur. I predict there will soon be a game played that is suspended because the striped shirts skate off the ice due to safety concerns.
Terrible team versus division leader: same penalties each side. Nothing to see here. The NHL are going to successfully memory hole this.
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I don't for a second blame that ref for blocking off his mike. This is his living. He's probably got a family and mortgage to pay. The evil person here is that twitter prick trying to get him fired (even if in jest).

I assume the home team is the right side of that graph above. And if you think about it, why should I be able to guess that?
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I'm ok with it. He was already a terrible, terrible ref before the incident. If any one of us don't perform at work we lose our jobs so why should NHL refs be any different?
This is only the beginning. Refs are going to be under the gun from here on in. An issue the league cannot ignore.

From Dom L in The Athletic:

"The NHL has a massive problem that needs to be talked about, the “let them play” ethos that’s plaguing the sport at every level. It’s the idea that the referee can decide a game with a penalty call, but that somehow doesn’t apply to a non-call of a blatant rulebook violation. Not deciding the game is deciding the game – for the other team committing the violations. It’s letting one team play, illegally, and asking the other team to simply deal with it, to play around it. It’s a plague on the sport, one that’s amplified further in the highest leverage situations, where whistles are swallowed depending on how important the moment is...

That brings us back to Peel, who doesn’t look so different from the average referee. In that time span, there have been 36 referees who skated in 50 games or more. Peel ranks 26th in games with an even penalty differential (22.5 percent), 27th when the penalty differential is one or less (57.8 percent), and 26th when the penalty differential is two or less (84.3 percent). All three figures are not far from average. Peel was just doing his job. And that’s the problem...

It’s not just Peel, and it’s not the quality of officials the league has either; it’s how they’re instructed to do their jobs."

As the league's efforts to include gambling increase, this obvious directive - game management by the officials - from the head office is going to lead to serious issues of safety for the referees. The league has been outed, its blatant attempts to make things 'even' to protect teams who are not competitive is now at the forefront of problems that need to be addressed. This is not going to go away, and when games include fans in the arenas, problems are going to occur. I predict there will soon be a game played that is suspended because the striped shirts skate off the ice due to safety concerns.
Yeah and that game will be in Toronto. While Ottawa had a shift with 6 skaters last night,i was wondering if that was game management or incompetence by the linesmen. Just questioning the linesmen here. I already know Nhl refs are crooked
I don't for a second blame that ref for blocking off his mike. This is his living. He's probably got a family and mortgage to pay. The evil person here is that twitter prick trying to get him fired (even if in jest).

I assume the home team is the right side of that graph above. And if you think about it, why should I be able to guess that?

Yeah, I would do the same thing if I were him. At least in Canada, we have one party consent. An employer cannot record conversations that they aren't involved in without consent. The referee simply exercised his right not to be recorded by a party not privy to the conversation.
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Peel could really make the NHL look bad. If he comes out and shows memos showing they are directed to do this.

You could see the FBI getting involved for game fixing etc.
There's nothing illegal about rigging hockey games or any sporting event for that matter. The NHL is a private entity, it can do whatever it wants.

You're probably thinking of Tim Donaghy, and he was nailed for wire fraud and using soliciting bookies across state lines. It's sloppy gambling practices that got him in trouble.
This is only the beginning. Refs are going to be under the gun from here on in. An issue the league cannot ignore.

I'm sorry, but this is just utterly untrue. The way the game is called now, is exactly what the league wants. They want parity & game management.

When the league wants a change to the officiating standards, they get it - they wanted one coming out of the '05 lockout, and for 4 weeks the league mandated the obstruction crackdown. They called everything, we had 11 powerplays a night, and the players eventually adjusted and figured it out.

The league drives that standard.

Sorry, but you (and many others) are completely out of your mind if you think some new wave of officiating standard is about to be ushered in. It isn't.

Making Tim Peel take his retirement early, with full pay and complete access to his pension, was the beginning and end of the league's response to this issue. Nothing will change - we literally saw it again last night when Simmonds was tripped late in the 3rd period in Ottawa; tie game, PPs even on the night? Let's put our whistles away in the name of "game management"
This is only the beginning. Refs are going to be under the gun from here on in. An issue the league cannot ignore.

From Dom L in The Athletic:

"The NHL has a massive problem that needs to be talked about, the “let them play” ethos that’s plaguing the sport at every level. It’s the idea that the referee can decide a game with a penalty call, but that somehow doesn’t apply to a non-call of a blatant rulebook violation. Not deciding the game is deciding the game – for the other team committing the violations. It’s letting one team play, illegally, and asking the other team to simply deal with it, to play around it. It’s a plague on the sport, one that’s amplified further in the highest leverage situations, where whistles are swallowed depending on how important the moment is...

That brings us back to Peel, who doesn’t look so different from the average referee. In that time span, there have been 36 referees who skated in 50 games or more. Peel ranks 26th in games with an even penalty differential (22.5 percent), 27th when the penalty differential is one or less (57.8 percent), and 26th when the penalty differential is two or less (84.3 percent). All three figures are not far from average. Peel was just doing his job. And that’s the problem...

It’s not just Peel, and it’s not the quality of officials the league has either; it’s how they’re instructed to do their jobs."

As the league's efforts to include gambling increase, this obvious directive - game management by the officials - from the head office is going to lead to serious issues of safety for the referees. The league has been outed, its blatant attempts to make things 'even' to protect teams who are not competitive is now at the forefront of problems that need to be addressed. This is not going to go away, and when games include fans in the arenas, problems are going to occur. I predict there will soon be a game played that is suspended because the striped shirts skate off the ice due to safety concerns.

They're so obsessed with parity it's crazy. With a hard cap all the teams basically look the same now. And with game management every game is just a random toss up. Let the good teams beat the bad teams badly. That needs to happen, too. Or there's no meaning in winning or losing.
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There's nothing illegal about rigging hockey games or any sporting event for that matter. The NHL is a private entity, it can do whatever it wants.

You're probably thinking of Tim Donaghy, and he was nailed for wire fraud and using soliciting bookies across state lines. It's sloppy gambling practices that got him in trouble.
There wasn't until da NHL started taking $$$ from MSG this year ... now there is legal betting and MSG will exit this relationship if it feels games are rigged ... i think this issue is not such much rigging games as it is keeping home fans happy and TV viewers tuned in an entire game
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