It's obvious out of this post, modern people (or Western people overall) don't understand, what a jumping from Soviet to American/Canadian life was like. The best example of all difficulties, that expected them, was Krutov's failed career. He probably was top5 Soviet player ever back to then, but just couldn't find himself in the NHL. Mostly because he just couldn't find himself in NA life.
Going from USSR to Canada back to then was probably like... I can't even find right words to describe it. Absolutely everything was different: language, culture, values in life, ideology, economy... The only things in common were ice (not rink size, though, just ice), water, air, sky, earth, skates, sticks, pucks, helmets - that's, probably, it.
Hockey was absolutely different as well. Makarov was used to a totally different system - Soviet teams, for example, didn't have special teams for PP and PK, they didn't use Cs on the dot, they valued puck possession over traditional South-North Canadian hockey, they didn't dump the puck like almost at all, they shot the puck only when they were more or less sure they had a chance to score and so on and so forth. Btw, check Makarov's shooting percentage in his first few NHL seasons, just for fun.
Makarov had to learn a new life and new hockey at age 31 and he still managed to remain a PPG+ player for 3 seasons till the age 34. It was actually absolutely amazing he managed to do it.