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Honour Over Glory

Sully-Quinn: Idiots Squared
Jan 30, 2012


Nerf Herder
Jul 5, 2009

'Nuff said.

I don't. The first two prequels tell the story of the original 3 movies that needed to be told. They weren't executed well at all but it at least added to the story. The first two of the Disney movies were just a waste and shit all over the original cast. First they didn't realize Kylo was the better character and then f***ed that all up, they wanted this female super hero in Rey and made it very obvious.

Rey wasn't a great character, everything about her was forced on you - Her quick abilities to pick up anything and everything related to the force, which made the previous force sensitive Jedi's and Sith's look like a joke with their years of training since they were youths. Kylo to me was the one thing they absolutely f***ing nailed. For as hard as those 3 movies are to watch, Kylo f***ing killed it each movie and then they basically turned him into Darth Vader, needed to be brought back to the light and then oop, he dead.

Imagine Anakin, a being made out of the force itself and the strongest force sensitive being, can't even do half the shit Rey could, lol. It's like watch the shit before you make the new shit, at least pretend you saw the source material once Disney. Erso was easier to endear yourself to than Rey.

No clue who this fan is but she made all the points needed to be made about the issues with Disney and their claims of toxic fans for not liking their new versions.

I don't think it's impossible at all - They've made 3 pretty good shows in Ahsoka, Mando, and Andor.

The only annoying thing about Mando is the first half boring, 2nd half all the good stuff method they do each season.

Andor, for it being a show that really didn't need to be made considering Rogue One, is actually pretty good all throughout. I wasn't a fan at first, but I watched it finally through a proper rewatch and it was good. Acolyte is so god awful, its like someone asked AI to tell them what Star Wars was and then made the entire show based off of that info. Ahsoka is also pretty good, albeit the animated shows really helped create her fan base and the lore for it quite well and most went into that fully armed with that deep knowledge of those characters already.

Obi-Wan is an epic joke, Boba Fett is also in that same boat and so is Acolyte.

The issue with Star Wars is Acolyte tried to make something before Episode 1 and its a mess. They had so much potential to do something cool with the material out there and instead made an absolute dud of a show and because it's reviewed so poorly with fans, they pushed this toxic fan narrative which was comical since Ahsoka - a largely female cast as well, was rated incredibly high by the same fans where it's rated higher than Obi-Wan for example. They've been playing in the same sandbox as the original 6 and can't figure out how to make something new that isn't adapted from animation or a previous movie expanded into a show. Acolyte should have been good, it could've been good. It sadly is pretty awful instead.

I like how Poe went from this hot shot pilot to being an absolute muppet the rest of the way that got the Joey Tribbiani and Homer Simpson treatment.

Episode 1 is absolutely not a part of the story that needed to be told. The main character and main enemy both die by the end. You could absolutely watch the original trilogy and skip to episode 2 and you'd miss dam near nothing. Except then they could have made anakin and padme's relationship way less weird because she wouldn't have met him as a 9 year old child, so actually it would be better. I guess it adds some depth to great dialogue like this gem.


But for real, we don't need to learn about his childhood. We need to learn about his relationship with Obi Wan and the Jedi and how he turned, and the prequels blunder the hell out of it. Clone Wars helps salvage it, particularly his relationship with Obi Wan at least. But boy do the movies stumble through his actual turn into Vader.

Then the final Vader scene is every bit as bad as anything Disney star wars has done. It kills the mood as bad if not worse than space Leia making the pivotal moment of the whole trilogy into an unintentional laugh. It's just so bad.


So while these movies may have a good backbone of a story in there, they really don't tell it well. They spend so much time on dumb trade federation bs and jar jar and pod racing and killing cool villains and replacing them immediately and having the big showdown with a 4 arm quad-wielding lightsabers being a chase scene between a big wheel and a lizard that the actual story they want to tell is barely told. Then they rush the parts that matter.

Not saying the new ones aren't a mess because they 100% are. I do need to catch up on Mando S3 and Ashoka and Andor. And Bad Batch. My wife is watching Clone Wars right now and then jumping into the stuff after it so I may just wait for her to catch up and jump in with her. But man I love catching Clone Wars on the good episodes. That show is far and away the best Star Wars I've watched outside of the original trilogy, aside from maybe the 3rd act of Rogue One.

But I still watch and have fun with those movies on occasion. They can be fun and flawed. But then I see people bitch about a fire in space in the new show and just can't take people seriously. They took a pit stop in a space monster mid-asteroid field in the consensus best of the original movies. To quote Harrison Ford "it's not that kind of movie" but so many people can't help themselves :laugh:


Registered User
Nov 14, 2007
You still don't get it.
I don't get it.
I thought you love SW but hate what Disney has done to it?
I have not a bumbling bollocks what yous are talking about with all these names (series / films,etc) as I've only seen the original three (i think) and the meh cgi three from 2000s (.... i think!)
Oh... and I seen the one where the ancillary kid at the end of the film jedi's his/her broom or something ridiculous =P

You really pour out the passion about the SW stuff though... I don't get it (if you don't like it) =P


Registered User
Aug 2, 2005
Kids love the Star Wars movies that are new, just like kids loved the prequels.

Bunch of uppity nerds mad they aren’t kids anymore. My son loves Acolyte and Boba Fett even if I think they are kinda mid.

That’s who Star Wars is made for.. kids.

Yeah. Lots of the "George Lucas raped my childhood" kinda vibe from when Eps 1,2,3 came out.

Tom Hanks

Spelling mistakes brought to you by my iPhone.
Nov 10, 2017
I don't get it.
I thought you love SW but hate what Disney has done to it?
I have not a bumbling bollocks what yous are talking about with all these names (series / films,etc) as I've only seen the original three (i think) and the meh cgi three from 2000s (.... i think!)
Oh... and I seen the one where the ancillary kid at the end of the film jedi's his/her broom or something ridiculous =P

You really pour out the passion about the SW stuff though... I don't get it (if you don't like it) =P

Props for using “yous” I never hear it Canada unless I’m talking to an Aussie. I kinda miss it.
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Registered User
Jan 24, 2006
Victoria, BC
I'm not looking forward to tomorrow turning 40 and all, gonna suck leaving my 30's. Now that I will be entering my 40's, I guess I really need to take better care of myself. At 40 I should have the strength of 2 20 year olds! Going to be hanging out with some buddies from work but I really don't like hanging around people anymore outside of work since something that happened to me a while ago.
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Tom Hanks

Spelling mistakes brought to you by my iPhone.
Nov 10, 2017
I'm not looking forward to tomorrow turning 40 and all, gonna suck leaving my 30's. Now that I will be entering my 40's, I guess I really need to take better care of myself. At 40 I should have the strength of 2 20 year olds! Going to be hanging out with some buddies from work but I really don't like hanging around people anymore outside of work since something that happened to me a while ago.


Honour Over Glory

Sully-Quinn: Idiots Squared
Jan 30, 2012
Luke Skywalker is a flake. He told his aunt and uncle he was going to Tosche Station to pick up some power converters.

He never did and the disappointment killed his aunt & uncle.
The worst writing is that he gets his father to turn back to the light side and then years later, he basically f***s it up with Kylo and goes and turns into a green titty juice drinking f***ing hermit? Really? The way they handled the legacy cast is where the most egregious f*** ups are. Rey being a poorly written character and Poe and Finn being largely a waste for character development was such a f***ing mistake. Luke struggled in his training and Anakin took years to become as good as he was, but Rey...just needed what a month or so? Anakin was trained as a young lad while Luke was a teen being trained by f***ing Yoda, but Rey? Months, that's all she needed to be better than both and even Ben Solo/Kylo. I get there's this need for balance, when there's a powerful dark side, there's an equally powerful light. But to double down on a descendant of Sidious as the ultimate unifier was pretty f***ing whack.

They had their narrative ready to go -

Kennedy: "We need a female Luke Skywalker type!"
Writing Staff: "Ok but have you heard about Leia?"
Kennedy: "Yeah whatever, let's make her the most powerful Jedi that takes very little time to train to be basically a master"
Writing Staff: "Hold on, what?"
Kennedy: "Then let's turn Luke into a failure, because he worked so hard to become such a powerful Jedi and Master, that he kind of just f***s it up for no reason."
Writing Staff: "Huh? Why? What about Leia? Han? Chewie and Lando?"
Kennedy: "You remember Mary Poppins..."

I think the coolest story for Star Wars was some bloke on Reddit that came up with the idea that Jar-Jar was a Sith the whole time and retconned all of his blunders as Jedi Mind-tricks type of deal and that he was so powerful of a Sith that he wasn't detected. I think if you can double down on that, you make him a reincarnate of Darth Plagueis.

Best plot for a Star Wars movie that Disney could have went with and made a f*** ton more and opened up more doors than the shit show they made with 7-9 -

This bloke went and created the best use of Jar Jar retconned into an incredible character that would also bring justice to the actor that portrayed him for the shit he had to endure. This was the movie Star Wars fans deserved.

Also yes the 1st movie was mostly shit, but it leaned into the lore that Anakin was created by Plagueis, which Qui-Gon finds, etc etc. The rest of that movie is weird, sure, but even that tiny bit is better than 7-9.

Sidious back again was like, really? You lot really had no f***ing ideas at all?

Instead, they made Snoke this whack ass puppet that Darth Sidious created that was dealt with rather quickly, but then Sidious was supposed to be super powerful yet he couldn't f***ing manage that?

The original 6 were't made for snot nosed wankers, the original 3 weren't either. It was made for a wide enough audience but it wasn't targeted to the audience the mouse house wants to target for pure profit over logical storylines. Lucas wanted a G Rating, but when Darth is out there choking a wanker, they went with PG because they wanted to appeal to Teens as it would be too "scary" for fans younger than that. So Teens and older, Disney decided instead of creating other things within the universe to build on, they'd just up and throw a character into the mix that was ridiculously powerful off the start.

The original 6 aren't master pieces, they're a lot of flaws, but it had potential to grow into better with smarter writers when it was bought by Disney. They had good faith with how Disney handled the joint universe of Marvel and their movies. But nah, they chose being shit instead.
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Honour Over Glory

Sully-Quinn: Idiots Squared
Jan 30, 2012
The part that really sucked with the development is that Anakin and Luke both struggle with being tempted by the Darkside, but Anakin gives in and Luke fights back. Meanwhile Rey just wakes up and suddenly reaches full potential in her usage of the force, is able to bring someone back to life, is insanely gifted at using the lightsaber, the force, etc.

IF you call a movie Episode 7, 8, 9, etc. You have to respect the movies that come before it. They had an arc that clearly established how a Jedi is trained, developed, etc. Even the most powerful and so forth. So here comes Rey, squatting to take the most giant shit on that because the writers wanted to make a super female empowerment character for the young ladies - Which they still could have done without being as ridiculously awful as they ended up being with the Rey character. Also the way they just shit all over Kylo in the end was just stupid. Essentially the entire f***ing Skywalker lineage wiped out and she goes hurr durr, I'm a Skywalker yo!


1992 Vezina (2nd)
Dec 30, 2005
Totally agree. It was all rough (7-9). But I still enjoyed it. And having a strong female character is cool for my daughter. So yeah.

That being said, Rogue One is the 2nd best movie behind Empire Strikes Back and has a strong female lead. And I have greatly enjoyed the side quests of Mando, Boba, Obi-Wan and Andor. It shows that the created universe is cool and that it doesn't need a Jedi story, for the most part, to tell a good story and be interesting.

The first thing I said after seeing Rogue One was that the people that created it needed to be hired to redo Ep 1 thru Ep 3 and get rid of all the crap like Midichorians, and Jar-Jar and crap that was added because Lucas wanted to make a movie for his kids. The basis of the story could be great. Anakin falling to the darkside should be a PG-13 movie at the very least. An R rated version could be even better.

I haven't watched the new one.....haven't heard good things.


Registered User
Dec 18, 2009
Joshua Tree, CA
Dark Empire was my favorite “EU” book and had the emperor coming back and Luke turning to the dark side.

I seriously don’t get wasting so much brain power complaining about a kids movie. It’s honestly one of the most insufferable things someone can do in my mind.

Did I like the last three Star Wars movies? Meh. They were fine. If I think about 10 year old me he would’ve killed for the prequels let alone what we’ve gotten following.

Honour Over Glory

Sully-Quinn: Idiots Squared
Jan 30, 2012
Dark Empire was my favorite “EU” book and had the emperor coming back and Luke turning to the dark side.

I seriously don’t get wasting so much brain power complaining about a kids movie. It’s honestly one of the most insufferable things someone can do in my mind.

Did I like the last three Star Wars movies? Meh. They were fine. If I think about 10 year old me he would’ve killed for the prequels let alone what we’ve gotten following.
It's called a discussion. Wasting brain power on the shit you argue about is no different with the hockey side of this board. Don't f***ing wag your finger because your lad loves shitty movies and you want to feel better about it. I couldn't give a f***.


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