Leaving for Dallas on the 27th. I’m driving down with Loki, Henrik and wife will meet me on the 29th after flying down. Can’t wait for some real BBQ.
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The process hasn’t been fun so far though. First apartment denied us because my credit is still fairly shoddy with a couple of derogatory remarks (it’s greatly improved and on the mend, but still not where it needs to be) but we spent $75 per person for the application plus a $200 “admin fee” (such BS, honestly) so that was $350 down the drain. The next apartment accepted us but had an $85 application fee per person and a $300 admin fee. Since notifying us that we were accepted they haven’t sent us any info on signing the lease, next steps, etc. It’s been 4 days and we have called, texted and emailed about 25x in total. So now we’re worried that is a huge red flag and that renting there may not be a good idea even though we’ve been accepted. But that would be another $470 down the drain.
The move itself is costing $3500, then I’ll have gas and tolls on my drive down. Meanwhile, our cat, who my wife has had for 10 years suddenly became very disinterested in eating, hiding beneath a cabinet in the basement and shedding like crazy the past few weeks. Finally my wife took him to the vet and had to run blood work and other tests. It turns out he has late stage lymphoma and has to be put down. The tests cost us $450 and now euthanasia will be another $150 + cremation will be $75.
I’m literally bleeding money I don’t have while trying to get us situated and I’m about at my wits end. Her parents paying to fly us out to Poland was great, but even with them covering virtually everything, of course we managed to spend some money on food and souvenirs as well. Last night was probably the first night in 3 weeks that I didn’t have a drink. I’ve been insanely stressed which is why I’ve been very scarce despite the season being around the corner.
Including the move but not including gas, tolls and my wife’s plane ticket, I’ve spent $5,995 in the past 15 days or so, and I don’t have it. I *just* got myself mostly out of debt, down to like, $1500 remaining, and I don’t want to start instantly adding debt again. We still have first months rent due when we make the move. I’m just shot.
I want to just get 2 large pizzas, an assortment of the absolute best local craft beers, binge myself into a coma and possibly not wake up. The cost of living, just since the end of 2019, has become unbearable.