There's a reason I've almost stopped posting on this board. We've played very rusty hockey; shoddy defense with tons of individual mistakes, tons of craptacular turnovers at the worst occasions, bad decisions, you name it, a traditional NYR PP looking like a train wreck and a toothless offense where the only guy who has created anything of worth is Rick Nash with some individual performances. No cycling, no won board battles, no hustle, no won rebounds, no screens, no nothing.
So in spite of all that, one guy one the team has actually played pretty good. Most goals have been screens and deflections. Like Horton's goal that you are whining about. If Lundqvist saw the puck, he would've saved it. Now he was late, because he couldn't see the shot in time to react properly. Nevermind that our defense practically gave away the puck to a top scorer who uncontested in a prime scoring area could fire away with the help of our own defenders screening Hank. But yeah, of course it's Hank's fault we're losing.
I guess vision is such an overrated thing in your daily lives that it's easy to forget about such trivialities.I
But, of course there's a need to start a "is something wrong with Lundqvist?" thread after FOUR games, where we have 8(!) new players in the system and no chemistry. Simply because Hank hasn't been able to stop the train wreck in front of him to crash, by this team giving up a crapton of high quality scoring chances and Lundqvist hasn't stood on his head every game, on every save, regardless of the circumstances and how often he must stand on his head during 65 minutes + a shootout for us to win, like you demand him to.
You guys are so spoiled it's getting beyond ridiculous. He's a damn good goalie, not a God. If you believe he's God and demand him to be, you have issues. Every year it's the same damn thing. "What's wrong with Lundqvist, he's allowing goals (when we look at this specific time span and disregard any other factors that might weigh in, like the actual team performance and so on)?!" It's been what, 7 years now? So, is something wrong with Lundqvist? He's been the most consistent goalie in the world since he entered the league.
How many years must he be the most consistent goalie, until you can stop these ridiculous reactionary, emotional threads and stop worrying about the last player on the team you need to worry about? When he retires?