Uh, referring to Subban as “racialized” and everyone else as, er… not… isn’t quite the help to his case that he thinks it is…
Also, coming out with that statement (and sending it directly to the player he wronged?!), more than a day after the incident – and only after he’d been terminated, it should be pointed out – rather than immediately after the fact is pretty telling, IMO.
The meaning of NONRACIAL is not of, relating to, or based on race : not racial.
He said he's done this gesture before to "non racialized" players. His wording could've been a bit better but I think it's pretty clear what he was trying to say. ("I've done this same stupid shit to white people"). Is there proof of this? I have no idea. Is he telling the truth? Again, I don't know. It would certainly add credence to what he's trying to say if others stepped forward and said that he did the same shit to them and they weren't a POC. It's still dumb and amateurish.
As to the second part of your sentence - if, in his mind, he did a flex thing to what he considers another shit talking hockey player, and not a POC, then he probably thought nothing of it at all. Who knows when he found out that it blew up over the internet and that he needed to respond to it? I actually think it's more commendable that he sent it directly to the player that believes he was wronged than just putting it out on his twitter/instagram/etc... I don't know enough about what this guy's role was on his team or what Subban's is on his to know if this is common for them (ie... tough guy / instigator / agitator ) or not.
I tend to try to give people the benefit of the doubt until the facts are in front of me. If Subban was really mocked in this manner then this guy should be out on his ass as it has no place in the game or in world, frankly. No question about that.