Grate n Colorful Oz
Get busy livin
It's laughable! MSL has this young team playing great hockey and surpassing expectations in a big way. Our core players are all improving and chipping in down the stretch. We have come back from deficits of 2-3 goals in the 3rd period in the last 3 games to secure valuable points. We lose in a shootout and people are losing their shit and punching holes in their parents basement walls over the coach's shooter selection in round 4 of the shootout.
You can't make this shit up!
MSL has had a littany of critics ever since he started. Yet he's on track of gaining 33+ points (if we play ,500 in our last 13 games) over our position when we finished dead last 3 years ago. It's been a constant progression. 33 points in 3 years is massive. A ,500 team needs 18 more points to become a 100 points teams. We've made-up almost double that amount in 3 seasons.
55 --> 68 --> 76 --> 88 (or more)
His critics give meaning to the idiom "missing the forest for the trees".