Who are you to say what JR and his regime are willing to offer? Clearly based on your posts you don't understand how JR views things. He generally will overpay for players he covets, how are you not understanding that? Your fanbase is clearly not thinking along the lines of your management.
YOU might not pay a price, but if JR sees Jake as a player to put you over, he'll pony up! He has time and time again.
Then there's no conversation to be had. You clearly have a chip on your shoulder about JR and have decided 'he will lmao epic overpay', which isn't based on reality but on your interpretation of how things went in Pittsburgh AFTER I might add he brought your team two Stanley Cups when everyone thought the Crosby generation of Penguins had missed their mark with bad 2010, 11, 12, 13, 14, and 15 outcomes (for a cup or bust team).
So you're basing your opinion on two things.
1. What you hope will happen. You don't give a shit about Vancouver and want to milk us for what YOU hope the Penguins will get. It's not based in reality, but you're thinking with your emotions.
2. You have bitterness as an incredibly privileged Penguins fan because things went off the rails after TWO Stanley Cups. So you've decided that JR isn't so much a man, but a caricature of a man who will do whatever goofy thing you think is handy.
"Who are you to say what your team will offer"? GTFO with that. I'm an educated hockey fan who has been watching the Canucks closely for 30 years. I know we have your old braintrust, but I like to think I know something about my team.
Why even participate on these boards with other teams' fans if your only response is dismissiveness because deep down you know far more about everyone's team than they do?