'ere we soon go to watch the battle of the non-battling nations ... and that til the bitter end!
Yep; Switzerland vs Sweden on the meny, folks.
And why not compare the two nations a little tiny bit:
Central Europe - Northern Europe
Republic - Monarchy
Swiss Air - SAS
Lindt - Marabou
Matterhorn - Kebnekajse
Yodeling - Jojk
Bern - Stockholm
Roman Josi - NHL
Alps - Fjällen
Roger Federer - Björn Borg
Rösti - Meatballs
Swiss Army Knife - Mora Kniven
8, 417, 700 - 10, 142, 686
Simon Amman - Janne Boklöv
Swiss franc - Svenska kronor.
ZSC Lions - Växjö Lakers
Krokus - Europe
Alexander Frei - Ralf Edström
Neue Zurcher Zeitung - Aftonbladet
St. Moritz - Åre
Peter Sauber - Marcus Ericsson
Celtic Frost - Bathory
Martina Schild - Ingemar Stenmark
Credit Suisse - Swedbank
Itchy Feet - 91:an Karlsson
Neutral nation - Neutral nation
Helvetia - Ultima Thule
Dario Cologna - Gunde Svan
Heidi - Pippi Långstrump
BSC Young Boys - Malmö FF
DJ Bobo - Dr Alban
St. Bernard Dog - Skånsk Terrier
Geneva Lake - Vänern
Swiss Psalm - Du gamla, du fria
Wilhelm Tell - Hagbard Handfaste
Feldschlösschen - Pripps
Cow - Elk
Emmentaler - Hushållsost
Schwingen - Stangg-störtning (Gotland)
Alphorn - Näverlur
Battle of Marignano - Battle of Lutzen
Montreaux Jazz Festival - Sweden Rock Festival
CH Motto: All for one, one for all - Swe Motto: For Sweden - With the Times
Right for women to vote: 1971 - Right for women to vote: 1921
Not that this jive has anything whatsoever to do with the outcome of the game, but whatever ...