How many times does this need to be talked through? The rule has been already explained multiple times:
-IIHF rules say that if the puck hits a structure, no penalty is given. It makes zero difference whether the puck is/would have/should have gone out of the rink; the rule is written like that in order to simplify things and create less controversy.
-The rinks are inspected before every game by a referee team and the definition of a "structure" is decided already at that point. Cameras etc. that are attached to rink structures are commonly decided as such structures.
I don't understand how this is so hard for people to comprehend.
Also, is this seriously the only thing in the game left to write ifs and buts? Usually during a hockey game there are like 20 situations where IF the puck had gone an inch here or there it WOULD have made a difference (usually resulting in a goal).
Anyway, great game and congratulations Canada! The right teams were in the final, could have gone either way.