Nurse was amazing, never thought he had it in him.
Kevin Lowe is gonna make him a star.
In general, Russian society is rather blunt and direct. People are more apt to speak their minds, give criticism, or tell people off. Unfortunately this often comes across as arrogant, impolite and rude to other cultures.
Obviously its a huge oversimplification, but it tends to explain why a bunch of adrenaline fueled Russian teenage hockey players (with patriotic sentiment) taunt opponents more than players from other places do (especially North Americans who have a 'hockey code' that strongly prohibits such actions).
to give up 3 goals in a hurry...
to give up 3 goals in a hurry...
Canada proves again that they are vastly superior to anybody else when it comes to hockey and Russia proves again that they cannot compete with the standard of excellence set by Canada
I saw this on the game notes on TSN.
3rd period:
19:57 CAN Faceoff - Sam Reinhart
20:00 RUS Penalty - Ziat Paigin - Throwing the Stick (20 min Game Misconduct)
What's the deal?
This Russian team confuses the heck out of me.
They play mediocre up until the game against Sweden and then tonight.
They easily could have won tonight. (thankfully they didn't)
Without a doubt when they're playing like the last 2 games, they are an absolute awesome team.
The question is why such a huge difference in level of play from them?
I'll match your missing Russian stars with a missing Ekblad, Horvat, Droin, McKinnon
I think it has to do with the psychology of the competition. When European teams play the Russians, they have no fear because they have nothing to lose. You get these all-out, emotional, 60 minutes explosions of passion by teams that typically have some kind of perceived historical grievances against Russia, and want to fight to the end. There is also the perception that the Russians won't make them pay a physical price, which might be outdated, but they still believe it.
When these same teams play Canada, they have no history to spur them on to great emotional efforts, and they have a marked inferiority complex, which in most cases results in them surrendering to defeat before the opening faceoff is dropped. Take the opening game against Slovakia, for example. Slovakia played well enough throughout the tournament to show that they aren't 8 goals worse than Canada. Yet they just kind of passively allowed the Canadians to pound it to them, resigning to the inevitable defeat that they had mentally accepted before they ever hit the ice. Take Sweden as another example. Most years, Sweden has enough quality players to successfully challenge Canada, but they have a mental block that causes them to play passively, almost welcoming defeat. The Europeans haven't gotten over the same mental hurdles with Canada that they have with Russia.
Man, I can't believe the crap that is spewed after these international games. Many posters used these games as a reason to utter slurs and insults against fans of opposing teams.
Can't you just enjoy the game.
Connor McDavid, Reinhart... along with Tavares, Crosby, Stamkos, Seguin, and Hall. The future looks really good.
Why do the Russians taunt so much? Is it part of their culture? Being sincere, not sure how else to ask it.
What is MacKinnon doing for a living these days? Is he still playing hockey, maybe in Europe somewhere?
If this is a shot at a recent Canadian #1 draft pick, as an Oilers' fan I would trade Yakupov for MacKinnon in a heartbeat.
Call me naïve, but I don't believe it was one-sided. The Toronto management staged an emotional extravaganza, and the Canadian team came out in an emotional frenzy that they never could have duplicated in a European venue. Canadians were running all over throwing themselves at everything in sight, and I think the gestures toward the bench were the Russians way of saying "bring it if you got it!" I don't think that is unique to any culture.
You and every GM in the league. Yakupov might have a good offensive potential, but his attitude towards team play is going to be his biggest downfall. I wouldn't be surprised if he pulls a Kovalchuk and returns to play in the KHL before he's 26.
WTake the opening game against Slovakia, for example. Slovakia played well enough throughout the tournament to show that they aren't 8 goals worse than Canada. Yet they just kind of passively allowed the Canadians to pound it to them, resigning to the inevitable defeat that they had mentally accepted before they ever hit the ice.
This photo makes it look more dramatic than it was. Its not as if McDavid made a great move to get open - the Russian defense just left him alone on the ice to make a line change, and the two defensemen in the picture, Gavrikov and Yudin, are coming directly from the bench and trying desperately to catch up with the play. That's the Russians screw-up, so its inaccurate to overhype McDavid's play. As you can see, Sorokin gave him a huge target in the 5-hole, but the replay shows that he barely squeezed his shot through,
That's really the only thing McDavid did all night to let you know that he was even there, and if he had gotten stoned on that, the game may have gone differently. I haven't seen that much of him, but what I have seen has always been in big games where he was almost a non-factor. I understand that he's young, but the basis for the hype must be in league games that I don't see. I just can't imagine how he and MacKinnon will ever be able to live up to the hype that the Canadian media has built him around.
Following your logic...Canada was lucky to have 5 goals instead of 2 because first goal was rather lucky one,second onbe was pure luck with loose stick, fourth goal was fully Sorokin fault. Talking about referees? There is a many who think vice versa so its pointless to argue here. In the end, Canada won it, good for Canada and be happy.