Ofcourse you think that. It's the same argument we've heard for years from homers, "What do you expect (insert crappy Kings 4th line player) to score 20 goals?"
And no I don't, but I expect them to not be AHL or European league caliber. And no, fourth liners aren't expected to score 20 goals a season, but one goal in 41 games as a King? Sorry man, that just doesn't cut it, you can't get nothing from a fourth line and expect to be good.
Like I've said, fourth line is not the reason why we are where we are, but it doesn't mean our fourth liners haven't been God awful since 2014. You are using the same lame argument others used for Andreoff, Shore, Mitchell, Nolan, King. Guess what, none of those guys ended up in the NHL the season after they left the Kings, if they were "fine" or "useful" as you say that wouldn't be the case. Thompson will end up just like all the others and be in Europe, the AHL or retired next year.
Flawed argument, Thompson is significantly better than Andrewoff, Shore, Nolan, and King.
Mitchell isn't in the league anymore because he's 33, and a 4th liner, he played fine when he was here, and did what he needed to, as you said in an un related post and I agreed, the league is moving towards ELCs and youth, that's the main reason Mitchell isn't in the league, but that's also your main argument against Thompson, if he was paid league minimum, there wouldn't be an issue,
But Thompson, is a career 4th liner, Boston, NYI, Tampa, Anaheim, Ottawa and here, that's what he is. His CAREER high is 10 goals in a season, which is better than Devante Smith Pelly...if you want to compare.
The reason Thompson isn't scoring is the same reason NO ONE is scoring, there's no offensive system in place, there's no cohesion etc,
It's not a flawed argument to say that I don't mind if my 4th liners don't score, the reason why it stands out more, is that the 1st liners aren't scoring either...